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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting May 16,2013 City of Sunny Isles Beach.Florida <br /> records requirement where the City under State law is required to maintain records that are <br /> placed on Social Media communications,and so those are the two main issues. Procedurally <br /> if the Commission wants to accept a recommendation from the City Advisory Committee we <br /> will need a motion, a second, and if you want to put in timelines for him and the City <br /> Manager to act upon it, please do. Mayor Edelcup requested that the City Manager give us <br /> some kind of a timeline report in the next 30 to 60 days as to what is the length of the <br /> program so that we have a better feel for it. [See Item 10H Resolution.] <br /> 5F. Add-On: <br /> Presentation by Dr. Linda J. Kaplan, Mission Education Chair, Relay CPS 3 Chair,regarding <br /> the Cancer Prevention Study(CPS)—3. Epidemiology Research Program,American Cancer <br /> Society. <br /> Action: Dr. Linda Kaplan presented a power-point on the Cancer Prevention Study No. 3, <br /> and she encouraged everyone to participate and enroll in the Study which will be held at <br /> Aventura Hospital on Wednesday. June 5, 2013. <br /> 6. ZONING: ZONING HEARINGS ARE QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARINGS. <br /> None <br /> 7. ORDINANCES FOR FIRST READING <br /> 7A. An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Amending <br /> Section 265-45 of the City Code Relating to Fences on Residential Lots to Provide that <br /> Fences or Walls Constructed by the City for Public Beaati ieatien Purposes May <br /> Exceed Six(6) Feet in Height to a Maximum of Eight(8) Feet; Providing for Severability; <br /> Providing for Repeal of Conflicting Provisions; Providing for Inclusion in the Code; and <br /> Providing for an Effective Date. <br /> Action: [City Clerk's Note: City Attorney Ottinot distributed a memo with additional <br /> information for clarification purposes on Fences/IJ'alls.] City Clerk Hines read the title.and <br /> City Attorney Ottinot reported noting that the Ordinance was amended to"public"purposes. <br /> Public Speakers: None <br /> Commissioner Scholl said the way this was first presented at the Workshop on May 14, <br /> 2013, it appeared like the City was trying to not subject themselves to the same rules that the <br /> public has to deal with but he thinks it has now been clarified. We had also made a point that <br /> if the public has to subject themselves to a variance or some type of issue he thinks the City <br /> should go through the same rigor when they are creating the same burden on an adjacent <br /> property owner. However, City Attorney Ottinot did further research and we are within our <br /> Code. Vice Mayor Aelion said the clarification of the height will be on a per case basis, and <br /> it is to be kept open, and City Attorney Ottinot said yes unless the Commission directs staff <br /> to, but this is a rare situation. Vice Mayor Aelion said a cap should be placed on it and he <br /> suggested a cap of up to eight (8) feet, and City Attorney Ottinot said he would amend the <br /> Ordinance for second reading. <br /> 4 <br />