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notifies the other, with no less than one hundred and eighty(180) days' written notice,prior to the <br /> expiration of the initial term, that i <br /> p it does not want the Franchise to automatically renew. If either <br /> party elects not to renew the Franchise, then the Franchise shall expire upon the conclusion of the <br /> initial term. <br /> SECTION 4: ASSIGNMENT <br /> A. The Franchise hereby granted shall not be leased, assigned or otherwise alienated <br /> or disposed of except with the prior express written consent of the City, which shall not be <br /> unreasonably withheld or unduly delayed. No assignment shall be allowed without the assignee <br /> assuming the terms of the Franchise Agreement with the City . <br /> B. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may, without the consent of the City, <br /> lease, assign or otherwise alienate and transfer this Franchise to one of its affiliates. <br /> SECTION 5: CITY COVENANT <br /> As a further consideration for this Franchise Agreement,the City covenants and agrees that <br /> it will <br /> not, during the term of this Franchise Agreement or any extension thereof, en a e in the <br /> business of distributing or selling Natural Gas within the corporate limits of the City, as modified, <br /> during the term of this Franchise Agreement. <br /> SECTION 6: USE OF STREETS <br /> The Distribution System shall be erected, placed, or laid in such manner as will, consistent <br /> with necessity, least interfere with other public uses of the Rights-of-way, and said Rights-of-way <br /> shall not be unnecessarily obstructed, and before, except in an emergency situation, the Company <br /> makes any excavation or disturbs the surface of any of the Rights-of-way, it shall make application <br /> for a permit to the appropriate City authority. The City shall issue, or if applicable deny, permits <br /> within a reasonable time frame of application by the Company. In consideration of the franchise <br /> fees contemplated in this agreement, the City shall not charge the Company any fees for the <br /> issuance of such permits. The Company shall, with due diligence and dispatch,place such Rights- <br /> 3 <br />