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2014-0401 Special City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2014-0401 Special City Commission Meeting
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4/25/2014 10:25:31 AM
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4/25/2014 10:25:30 AM
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Summary Minutes:Special City Commission Meeting April I.2014 Sunny Isles Beach.Florida <br /> a situation and his suggestion would be to put on the next Commission meeting to give the <br /> Commission whatever you need in dollars so that we can handle the formality of passing <br /> whatever ordinance or resolution that we may need to give the funding to do that. The gates <br /> and the grass the same thing, if it is not in this year's budget, if we are going to wind up <br /> having to do it anyway we may as well do it now, it is not going to get any better by waiting. <br /> City Manager Russo said the grass is the one thing that he really needs to move on. Right <br /> now he can prepare a plan but there is a lot of discussion on this. He just came back from a <br /> program of the State City Manager's Conference and the whole consideration was, it was <br /> right on mark for where we are at, it was on quality services, out-sourcing vs. in-house, and <br /> what you should not do in-house, or what has worked and what has not worked. It was very <br /> productive to the point no nonsense session with three (3) seasoned City Managers <br /> presenting cases. The quality level of detail that you want is best achieved with in-house, <br /> whereas core significant functions,just for an example,what they said seems to work better <br /> and in his experience it kind of proves this out also. For example,clean our own bathrooms, <br /> we can contract that out. What could be extremely costly on the private sector side is <br /> contracting out the detailed attention that a trained attendant, a properly qualified attendant, <br /> can do in a Park to maintain it, keep up a level of service, and the quality of service, to be <br /> able to help people in the Park not just check the bathrooms in between, make sure they are <br /> clean, make sure there is no damage. There is a lot of service and routine maintenance that <br /> can be done during that day aside from major items that can be contracted out, there is a <br /> differentiation is the bottom line. He would be happy to meet with each Commissioner <br /> individually to discuss it because he thinks it needs a double level of detail. He is putting <br /> intermittent and some part-time staff in Intracoastal Park at least until he can get a little bit <br /> further squared away here. They will be watching that Park during the daylight hours from <br /> 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. He is going to have some intermittent, part-time staff in there. <br /> Vice Mayor Aelion said that you have explained very well now his first point was the scope <br /> of work of the attendants, just detail more or less the same lines absolutely to make it as <br /> efficient as possible, not only standing and watching. On the fencing, if he is not mistaken, <br /> didn't we consider a certain full hedge instead of a fence. Mayor Edelcup said no, not on <br /> Collins Avenue. City Manager Russo said not the Intracoastal Park because we are trying to <br /> keep that view as open as possible because the sculptures are elevated and they have a nice <br /> look from the street or from a car. We want to try to keep that open look through to the water <br /> as much as we can. Vice Mayor Aelion said granted that Town Center Park has a fence,and <br /> so on one hand it may be like a continuation of the third, forth Park down the road. On the <br /> other hand it may compromise the look of the Park if you put the fence right in front of it. <br /> City Manager Russo said those are all the things that we consider,the essence of his concern <br /> is with that being the Park in the south end of the City that will attract the younger children <br /> like Town Center Park has, he is afraid that Park could end up as used and with the number <br /> of kids. Mayor Edelcup said we had an incident today where a kid almost ran out into the <br /> street chasing a ball out of Intracoastal Park because it has no fence. Intracoastal Park is not <br /> a deep Park like Samson Oceanfront Park, they are going to be playing pretty close to the <br /> street no matter what you do. City Manager Russo said the concern that he has and we kind <br /> of expected some of this but he thinks we need to address it. Vice Mayor Aelion asked if <br /> there is a compromise on the height, and City Manager Russo said that was the other thing, <br /> 8 <br />
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