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F.ME"Orlminal JW1de%.1US'6.f,-AgT"Tqn.t <br />1 -:5, i 6 f The U who inidat'R a <br />sor shall ensure that pe.rgorinel <br />t6:th'e. FCIG.rhes'sago.-switch- are, q.urrent in <br />C:* ji-S certification. * <br />ly Aufhenitloatedpribr� <br />10-2. -Each iriclivi shall'bo prop -Of <br />-t-6 ih informationfromj(jaKiPg. a ... .. . <br />'.FC1C ot:.othO CA"et applic'M(i6n.. <br />.3.103 The User shAIl ensure that. persons allowed to complete. <br />WIS peftificati6h are ataea`st °"l`8 years .of age larid:6re <br />U...S', validirrim'Ig'fatioll' stOltusivi8a.. <br />1.8.1'4.4 POLE mservo.-Ohe-'_ right. -to deny FOTC, C'JNet or related <br />pro t' J, 'Ondividdal based 6'n" <br />Rrams systems adc-ess­ o an <br />valid,, '"aioulable .co tho. security and; <br />integrity of <br />or related' systprqs:,, <br />...pt6o prqgrpMsl.. <br />1,111 WORKSTATION.: FDLE is hOt-rdsodrisiblia,for -.the W&R§Wtidn <br />acquis'iti0 0 workstation <br />repair, supplies -dr wor <br />ope.ra <br />'10 'r shall. immediately:notify thepe�sqnp_'.Oj-cpsts-. T� -Use. <br />FDLL Custoiamee;:'Sup.p6d.'C.enter..,:Shduld an FCIC/NCIC w6rkstation <br />e�ir.y-_(iog),mWfUnctiorf or <br />-or.opvic...e..,.a,ggoc.iotEid'with an' FC.!C/M_C." . <br />become, Inoppra posts associated. with. returning the <br />."Ae casis, shall be the .User's <br />W.w.kgt6tibri to bporAfibn, other than , <br />responsibility. r1D.LE will assist with executing tro.We-shooting <br />procedures. <br />' <br />F.Or�,tysterng. lMplernented:;after be <br />D'We . m -1 .r <br />the:Usershall en re�.'that'611.autQMgpo int 0 .pesthat..�prpgrarri,.m ally <br />t-L t��ht. ci-h�§- to --tfi& rel'o. <br />without intervention} generate (I;e, '-I f UVNIMMI "ine en ion, -f d <br />s . Man one transaction per.secon <br />switch are restricted to no more, <br />per interface. <br />2. A. QDIT5.;� The. Useth-a Il'perm-it aln MLE ted inspection team to Onduqt inquiiiesw1th r-qgar.0 to any.gllegations-or.potepti security <br />viQlations, as. well as <br />for -routine audits.. <br />2.1 FDLE o-onducis regWaOtcheOlvled compliance e and. security <br />a-ud1ts:-.qf ever CY accessing <br />...y.-aOen S.1 the ensure network security.; <br />-conformity-riformityWith''tt8te law; and -:compliance . . . with -all. 401P.1 .. idAbIe.*F[)Lt--, CJNet, <br />FCIC NOIC. 01111 -rui6si. re cedurq., <br />gulatjQn-q.,ancl,:ppqr- pg. pro..,, <br />I <br />Compliance and IethnidW .90d-Lifity audits May be cand ''uet6d at oth e r than <br />regularly soheduledfines, <br />3, TRAINING, The.-�*.sw is responsible for complying i with trajin.,in..g requirements <br />established in CSP andAhe rules; rbguIAfi6ntj-. and policiesestablished by <br />FO."l-CINO-10, 'I'll, FIDLE And other C* appk-afioM Ther -.-ser. is resp 'o.npi.11le for <br />April 1-4,101.4 Page.-7 of".1.7 <br />tO <br />