FDLE Criminal JuMice Usier Agreement
<br />User --shall *review FALCON
<br />N subscriptions to determine whethor.tho User is."011
<br />a-uthorized,to receive:The User
<br />criminal lilsfo�y record p..n:an- indlyidudl;..
<br />shall indicate `the: continued -authori'Z'ihg:r6Iati6fth1tp With that individual, i.6., the
<br />Invest4ation,ar under supervision d by the User: CH RI received. as -a result ofa
<br />�b
<br />FALCON.sUbstriptioh mAy be disseminated ed for criminal justice pu rp' os-es, and is
<br />subject. to the same legal and pol. jpy -resfftfions"gssPi0te d. with --CHRI.
<br />.Q
<br />.Va�'M the rul . ps, regulations; policies and'
<br />The .User shall comply with :the Q
<br />procedures esta.b[.11.0; dfo CJ. eti FCIC/N.Cl. II N-LETS, Which i..h.-clude but
<br />.,Tbde established N ...C.,,J an
<br />are' not lim"itEid to. System 84cu rity.., Personnel Security, Physical. Security, User
<br />Authorization, Techb*ibal Security, Q-15sern . in . atipm of Information Obtained from the..
<br />Syste"his, and Destro'cti6n of Reco'rds. By accepting access as set forth above, the
<br />U.s.-er"agreas. to adhere: to the-10:11oWingt6cUtity policies in. :order to ensure.
<br />continuation - ,Qf that access:.
<br />2. PERSONNEL BACKGROUND &C'REENING'. At:a rhihimium, -the Utdrsh'all
<br />conduct A'_$tafe a.nd'hdonal firigerp6ftt-40sed records 066k an 1) all personnel
<br />whazre-autftorized to access s.tate:andlor national CJI data or..sys-tems,211T
<br />persohnelvho maintain/s4ppo.diffiforma(tidn tech:hblbgy corniponerits Used to
<br />process., transmit or store anencrypted CJI, and other personnel, indluding but
<br />not limited d to support personnel, contract(ors -and c - u9todia-1 st6ff, With unescorted
<br />e
<br />phy6lcW or 10gicial %access to phyt.1cally-,.see.uee'lbbeitions.-, as -deftnod'in the QS.P
<br />'n ,onen process,: smit..or store
<br />and/or IT comp ts.0sp-d to proce , fran unencrypteo C.jl ; The
<br />.Ug& is -strongly encouraged to screen the applicant
<br />plidabt by -other. available Med-ris, e.g.,
<br />10.,caj. pouft..r000 n 0 0 1 record dheck.
<br />I" addition the fing rpfint-�.ase.d
<br />1-1 The User shall r finge
<br />..PrijAs of -pp.Tsons described in Section
<br />I P, paragraph 2, for ' positive comparison agains1the statie.0nd national
<br />criminal history and for searching of the Hot Files,
<br />2 2 The results of the fingerprint-baged recordi .check -.shall b6 reviewed ' priar,to
<br />g.ran1:419 access to,Cjl,qr components used to process/.store CJI, -including-
<br />qcce support. ellmIn . online cfirhilhal
<br />_§s for sup. -L The Qs;er.rnay-qondud(:a..pr.. ary ;1.
<br />justice. employment b I heck using PurVosbtWe 'Tfor this. purpose.
<br />2.2.1 If a record of. -any kind exists;, the 'User shall consult the FOLE
<br />Guidelines for CJIS Access and notify the CSO fof review, Upon
<br />.notification from the User-. the (C30 shall review tho.:maftler to
<br />:determine. if access is approprJdAe and.,-officlally notify the. User in
<br />il -
<br />wr. ting. of the... GSOF8 decision regarding Access.
<br />2.2.2 -Once the original background screening - has been .completed, if the
<br />User learhs thatan employee with access to CJI, including any
<br />personnel as iden'tifi . &d in Section Ill., paragraph 2, has a -criminal
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<br />Iq
<br />