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QY of Sunny Isles Burch 18070 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida 33160 <br />(305) 947.0606 phone (305) 949-3113 Fox <br />3. FERNY. Subject to the provisions relating to the termination of this Agreement as set <br />forth in Section 9 hereunder, the term of this Agreement shall commence upon the execution of <br />this Agreement by both parties and shall terminate no later than one (1) year thereafter. Consultant <br />acknowledges that compliance with the conunencement and completion schedule is the essence <br />of this Agreement. The terms of Sections 16 and 17 entitled "lndernndfication and Waiver of <br />Liability" and "Compliance with Law" respectively, shall survive tennination of this Agreement. <br />4.jM RM -MAL. The patties shall have the option to extend this Agreement for four (4) <br />addifionai one (I) year renewal terms, based upon the City's exercise of these renewal periods. <br />S. GOMPINSAT10N. As the entire compensation during the initial one (1) year term; <br />as well as during -any subsequent renewal term(s), In whatever capacity rendered, the City shall <br />pay Consultant an amount not to exceed Sixty Five Thousand Dollars ($65,000.00). Payment to <br />Consultant for all charges and tasks under this Agreement shall be in accordance with this <br />Agreement and the schedule of charges reflected in Attachment "A", which fee shall be disbursed <br />on a monthly basis and under the following conditions, <br />Payment Schedule. Invoices received from the Consultant pursuant to this <br />Agreement will be reviewed by the initiating City Department: If Services have <br />been rendered in confarrnity with the Agreement, the invoice will be sent to the <br />Finance Department for payment. Invoices must reference the contract number <br />assigned hereto. Invoices will be paid in accordance with the State of Florida <br />Prompt Payment Act, The City will pay properly submitted Contractor invoices <br />within 30 (thirty) days of receipt, for completed and accepted deliveries or <br />specified services sndlor goods, unless the City notifies the Contractor in writing <br />of the dispute, before the payment is due. <br />Availability of Funds; The City's performance end obligation to pay under this <br />Agreement during the initial or any subsequent renewal term is contingent upon <br />an annual appropriation for Its purpose by the City Commission, <br />Final:Invoiee. In order for both parties herein to close their books and records, <br />the Consultant will clearly state "fins Ice" on the Con'sultant's finabIlast <br />billing to the City. This certifies that -all services have been properly pelforcned <br />and all charges and costs have been invoiced to the City. Since this account will <br />thereupon: be closed, any other additional charges; if not properly included on this <br />final invoice, are waived by the Consultant, <br />consultant shall make no other charges to the City ;for supplies, labor, taxes, licenses, <br />overhead or any other expenses or costs unless airy such expense or cost is incurred by <br />taut with the prior written approval of the City. If the City disputes any charges on the <br />os, it niav make payment of the uncontested amounts and withhold payment on the <br />Consultant shall not pledge the City's credit or make it a guarantor of payment or. surety <br />for aay contract., debt, obligation, judgment, lien, or any form of indebtedness. The Consultant <br />0902.1fit7-0t0.0,LmgRtchstdsDesign Assootales, Inc. <br />