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Contractor of its violation of the particular terns of the agreement and grant Contractor tern (10) <br />cia; s la c;tre 5uc11 default. ['the dcl`ault remains uncured after ten (t 0) days the C'.ity may ternimate <br />this agreement. <br />(i.) In the event cif` ienuinallon, all finished and unfinished documents, data and ether <br />work product prepared by Contractor (and sub C-Ontractor(s)) shall be delivered to <br />the City and the City shall compensate the Contractor for all services satisfactorily <br />performed prior to the date o I' termi nation, ats provided in Paragraph 4 herein. In <br />such an event, the City shall not be responsible for any additional compensation to <br />Contractor beyond the effectivz date of te.rminatiort, isicl uding but 110t lifflitCd to the <br />unexpired renimning term. <br />(ii.) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor shill not be relieved of liability to <br />the. City for damagcs sustained by it by virtue. of a breach of the agrccmcrtt by <br />ContracLor and the Cit}' maty reasonably withhold payments to Contracwr lbr the <br />purposes of set -tiff until such time as the exact amount of damages due the City <br />from the Contractor is de-tcrmined. <br />B. Termination for Convenience of City. The City. nay, for its Convenience and <br />withDut cause terminate the. Services then re;nalninL to be performed at any tine by giving written <br />notiQewh1ch shall bee onie eI ecLive ten (10) days foIIow1n8 receipt by (,crntractor. The terms oi` <br />Paragraphs A(0 and (ii) above shall 13e applicable hereunder, <br />(.. Termination for Infialt€rtc r. The: City also reserves the. right to ti rmirtatc the <br />remaining Services to be, perfurrned in the event the Conlrac:tor is placed either in voluntary or <br />invotuntary bankruptcy or makes any assigrunent for the benefit of creditor,, <br />10, NO ASSiCNMFNTfs, TRANSFFRS, Si.1RCONTRAC.'TlN.The C:crntritctc�r shall riot <br />subcontract, assign or transfer any Nvork under this slgree ment witIto ut the prior %NTiIien consent of <br />the. City. <br />11, 'BACKGROUND CHECKS. A criminal background chwk will be required ibr any <br />cnploycc of the Contractor perfoa-ming Services under this A—reenent, Tw Conlrac:toi shall be <br />Te,gUired to perform the criminal background chock at their own sole cost and expense through the <br />Crity, The 0,i1urac:t(,)r whall ewiure that truly their properly designated crt�lrlctVcos listed with the <br />City Martager be permitted to perform Services;, Tn the event the desijmal.ed employee* are <br />i-e.moved by the Colitractor, the Contractor $1x4111 111u11ediately notify the Cite -Mallager or his <br />designee, Addisionally,, idomifcation cards wilt be pro��idcd by the City m the Contractor -s sole <br />cost and expense. C Q1711 at.tirr 1ha11 erl;��re that all deF 'gmated employ�c o,,s wear the C;ity'w prid--d <br />identifieition card; while pel, R midi- Sergi <br />12, CONFIDENTIAL A,L l,Nt.+'C1.k IMA,`ll,'ION, ''l'he C;ontrac#err $11a11 axon, either during tiie term of <br />this ,Agreenicrtt or any time for a period of'l'1IN (10) years sllbscgmo t to that date upon which the <br />C:cmm_t wr $Nall leave the crtlploymont of the City for any :Mason whatsocvor; disclose to any <br />person or entity, cattier than in the di soh€trge or the dittios nl`the Contractor undor Oils Agrcomcnt, <br />any information which the City de;igrnawc in writing m "conlidential." As a violation by the <br />Coatre mor of the pirovisioyis s Nl1iS Sec:ti<rn QoUld Qause iTTQp l 74hla il�j Ury Ocr the City arid there i.9 <br />03499-161 7x002-JACEY FNVESTNTE US UC, D/B/A ELITE TENT COMPANY <br />