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4 <br />t <br />2, The Chief of Police in whose jurisdiction assistance is being rendered may <br />determine who is authorized to lend assistance In his/her jurisdiction, for how long such <br />assistance is authorized, and for what purpose such authority is granted. This authority may be <br />granted either verbally or in writing as the particular situation dictates. <br />3. Specific reporting instructions for personnel rendering mutual aid will be. included <br />in the request for mutual aid. In the absences of such reporting Instructions,, personnel Will report <br />to the ranking on -duty supervisor on the scene. <br />4. Communications instructions should be Included in each request for mutual aid <br />and each agency's communications centers will maintain radio contact with each other until the <br />mutual aid situation has ended. <br />5. Incidents requiring mass processing of arrestees, transporting prisoners, and <br />operating temporary' detention facilities will be handled per established procedures of the <br />requesting agency or Chief of Police involved. <br />SECTION IV: COMMAND AND SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBIUTY <br />a. COMMAND: <br />The personnel and equipment that are assigned by the assisting Chief of Police shall be <br />under the immediate command of a supervising officer designated by the assisting Chief <br />of Police. Such, supervising officer shall be under the direct supervision and command of <br />the Chief of Police or his/her designee of the agency requesting assistance, <br />b. CONFILICTS: <br />Whenever an officer is rendering assistance pursuant to this,a9feement, the officer shall <br />abide by and be subject to the rules and regulations, pers:onnel policies, general, orders; and. <br />standard operating procedures of his/her own employer. If any such rule, regulation, personnel <br />policy, general order or standing operating procedure is contradicted, contravened or otherwise <br />in conflict, with a direct order of a superior officer of the requesting agency, then such rule, <br />regulation, policy, general order or procedure shall control and shall supersede the direct order. <br />