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SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />LANDSCAPE FOR SEWAGE PUMP STATION No. 301 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A PORTION OF TRACT ALAMANDA PARK (PUBLIC PARKING), OF "SECOND REVISED PLAT OF BELLA VISTA <br />SUBDIVISION", ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 50, AT PAGE 76 OF THE PUBLIC <br />RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the west line of Lot 26 of said Second Revised Plat of Bella Vista Subdivision with <br />the existing southerly Right of Way Line of Sunny Isles Boulevard (State Road 826) as per the Florida Department of <br />Transportation Right of Way Map for Section 87170-2517; thence run S81 °53'43"W along the said Southerly Right of <br />Way Line for a distance of 220.58 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the northwest, having a <br />radius of 1,409.50 feet; thence southwesterly 55.56 feet along said curve through a central angle of 0201631" to a <br />point; thence leaving said right-of-way line run S02042'20"E for a distance of 10.01 feet to the beginning of a <br />non -tangent curve concave to the northwest, a radial line to said point bears S 05049'27" E from the center of said <br />curve; having a radius of 1,419.50 feet; thence northeasterly 56.50 feet along said curve through a central angle <br />of 02016'50" to a point of tangency; thence run N81 °53'43"E for a distance of 214.61 feet; thence run S02042'20"E <br />for a distance of 7.03 feet; thence run S81 °53'43"W for a distance of 3.01 feet; thence run S02042'20"E for a <br />distance of 99.31 feet; thence run N86014'15"W for a distance of 159.57 feet; thence run N08007'32"W for a <br />distance of 10.39 feet; thence run N78046'00"W for a distance of 26.11 feet; thence run S87032'55"W for a <br />distance of 82.13 feet; thence run S02042'20"E for a distance of 8.81 feet; thence run S87017'40"W for a distance of <br />25.00 feet; thence run S02042'20"E for a distance of 34.23 feet; thence run N73008'07"E for a distance of 30.82 feet; <br />thence run S83°06'39"E for a distance of 20.29 feet; thence run N73024'27"E for a distance of 41.53 feet; thence <br />run S74051'23"E for a distance of 21.94 feet; thence run N81 °54'27"E for a distance of 23.76 feet; thence run <br />S88°53'28"E for a distance of 10.58 feet; thence run S82010' 18"E for a distance of 36.38 feet; thence run S86009'00"E <br />for a distance of 38.34 feet; thence run N88016'22"E for a distance of 57.98 feet; thence run S73050'43"E for a <br />distance of 24.17 feet said point lying on the westerly line of the aforementioned Lot 26; thence run NO2°42'20"W <br />along the westerly line of said Lot 26 for a distance of 136.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. <br />Said lands containing 10,754 square feet or 0,247 acres more or less, by calculations. <br />NOTICE: This document is not valid, full and complete without all pages. <br />.)NOTUDE SURVEYORS <br />7769 NW 48TH STREET, SUITE 375, DORAL, FLORIDA 33166 * PHONE:(305)463-0912 * FAX:(305)513-5680 <br />This Is not a survey <br />* WWW.LONGITUDESURVEYORS.COM <br />JOB No.15401.0.01 PAGE 2 OF 3 <br />