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FIRST AMENDMENT <br />TO <br />LEASE AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN <br />MIAMI-DARE COUNTY <br />AND <br />CITY OF SUNNY ISLES BEACH FOR A PASSIVE PARK <br />THE FIRST AMENDMENT ("First Amendment") to Lease Agreement (the "Lease") made on the <br />day of , 2020 ("Effective Date"), by and between MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, a political <br />subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "LANDLORD", and the CITY OF SUNNY <br />ISLES BEACH, a Florida municipal organization hereinafter referred to as the "TENANT", and <br />collectively with the LANDLORD, the "Parties". <br />WITNESSESTH: <br />WHEREAS, the Landlord is the owner and operator of a public facility known as the Miami -Dade <br />Water and Sewer Pump Station No. 301, which is located at 350 Sunny Isles Boulevard, Sunny Isles Beach, <br />Florida, bearing Folio Number 31-2214-007-0410; and <br />WHEREAS, on October 2, 2018, via Resolution No. R-1021-18, the Miami -Dade County Board <br />of County Commissioners approved a Lease Agreement with the Tenant for a Passive Park with a total <br />square footage. of 17,651 square feet on the western portion of the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer <br />Department's Pump Station No. 301 site (the "Leased Premises"); and <br />WHEREAS, in 2014, Miami -Dade County, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, <br />the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the State of Florida entered into a Consent Decree <br />(the "Consent Decree"), which, among other things, required the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department <br />to establish a Pump Station Improvement Program in order to perform upgrades to the County's wastewater <br />collection and transmission system, including pump stations and force mains, pursuant to section 24-42.3 <br />of the Code of Miami -Dade County; and <br />WHEREAS, in order to bring Pump Station No. 301 into compliance with the requirements and <br />regulations set forth in the Consent Decree, the County must complete improvements to Pump Station No. <br />301; and <br />WHEREAS, during the permitting process, the LANDLORD discovered that a minor modification <br />to the boundaries of the existing Leased Premises in "Exhibit B" to the original Lease Agreement needed <br />to be modified to provide the LANDLORD with sufficient access for maintenance vehicles for emergency <br />repairs to the Pump Station No. 301; and <br />WHEREAS, in exchange for this modification, the LANDLORD has agreed to provide the <br />TENANT with an additional 209 square feet of land, which will increase the total Leased Premises from <br />17,651 square feet to 17,860 square feet, as shown on the attached "Revised Exhibit B;" and <br />WHEREAS, the TENANT agrees to the modification to the Leased Premises as shown in "Revised <br />Exhibit B," <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations set forth herein, <br />the LANDLORD and TENANT agree to the following: <br />First Amendment Page 1 of 2 <br />Sunny Isles Lease Agreement <br />