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(4) Data Security and Consumer Privacy: PACE Local Governments shall take security <br />measures to protect the security and confidentiality of consumer records and <br />information to the extent permitted by law. In addition, a privacy policy must be in <br />place that complies with state and federal law and, in particular, shall provide a <br />property owner the ability to opt -out of having the property owner's information <br />shared with third parties, except where expressly required by state and federal law. <br />PAGE Gevern.m.ents shall have ffiR pla-- V ...... b R-de_r, -;;Ad- eRfArr-LQmPnt <br />., ri.•.,.-.,.d Gh-,Fges <br />(65) Protected classes: The PACE program and the program administrator shall not <br />discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or <br />expression, genetic information, national origin, age, disability, familial status, <br />marital status, or sexual orientation. Additionally, The PACE program and the <br />program administrator shall specifically develop and implement a program that <br />validates the understanding of the PACE program and the terms of such financing <br />by any property owner who is 65 years of age or older. <br />(:7) 9stimated ERergy eF InsuFaRGe Savings DiSGIe_1;1_,re- PAGE I Ar -;;l Gevernments, shall <br />rr rr <br />e.,+ +h -,+ Eligible RaFt*Gi.,ants.,fthin fell.,..,i.,.,• <br />ti le"+rr , ine } f ff' (if liGable) <br />mvca g- �e�-rrc-rrFE+CiREy--^vj�tf@{'}S�i-r--appriccvrcT--ci•vn=rs <br />in drrwy hos+ r G+irees; <br />, <br />Improvements; <br />(e) if energy improvements aFe-uRdeFt-akeia: <br />i. Tie—beRefits of in -tolling eneFgy afflE+eneyimprevernents be#eFe <br />eempa,=aIalePFe^raFn, and any available -ineentivepFeg s; and <br />Eests of the €eeFgy Audit —are eligible—f9F f+naneiRg as paFt the <br />Wit- <br />(8) NetieetePF9peFtVQAvne_r- PriA-rteerGentempeFaneE)uslyw4thenter*i;goRtea PACE <br />with a sepaFate written natice .diselesing the fell.,.. eRg items, <br />()The tetal amort eTt-kx ebtrrc-1 di g�x� a est; <br />(b) T --fay 1^C-€—A.ssess and payment test# at- deer -net <br />o..�.,a„ 1 +he life, .,f +he i.,, encs• <br />, <br />that aGtual SaviRgs will depend en usage patteFAs, seasenal ;Mariatiep and <br />..r�,ath.,r utility r -,+or -,..,d +r.,r..ds aR d ., .,,dr r,.+ s GifiGati.,.,�• <br />d) he +hree_,day Fight to eaneel e PAC g-Ag� + <br />rirc cr�rcc as Fight t € Fi-r}at�sFt} C1eii�E4-lr <br />(e) IdIfeRtifire-i-AiRBIR Ref ffepayment fees 9F , <br />(f,,) The -P.A.C-€-Assessmen will appeaF en the ff9peFty ewner's-taX bill; <br />@BCL@B80CDC07.docx Page 3 of 13 59 <br />