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(g) Remove +r-„-+Ars fr„� . the PAGE <br />rs��«���oo� sen��a��o�� ��o��� ���� PAGE pregram whe ne tenser meetpFegFam <br />Gri+nri- , . have net met n nts OF fail +e nn+ OR ed faith-to <br />timely Feselve eensw m er Ee,FRPlamtsj and <br />(h) PACE PFGgFams 9F pFegFaFn Shall have -and shall stFiGtly eRfGFGe <br />ane etaFy incentives to EentFaEtersinr-exehange fer—F-related to m <br />ra-A-At-rarat-A-r heing ended- ,. erl, W nrler PAGE rregFam, ening payment fer <br />the G9AtFaGt9-F'S in-stall-a+ien of eligible im nnts <br />(19) Custemer Seeirvdr--ea- PACE LeGal GevemmeRts shall ppevide a high level Af r--i-stemer <br />se�Ee, in,s <br />h. he <br />r; <br />(b) A detailed welasite with spercifir- refere-Ar.-te te the City ef gunny isles Bp;;r--h PAGE <br />a m d reselutien by beth the nen+rnnter and the PAGE I er-+I Gevnrmmen+ <br />F. A .deeumen+ eutlining then plaint preeess shall be nleaFl., available e <br />the PAGE I e..-,I Geyernmen+..,ehci+e and n to G stemers <br />T -he deGument shall m;;kp elear that the City ef SuRny Isles R-eaeh <br />epefat+Rg or ad-n ipisteriRg-the PACE PFOgFaFnin any way and that pill <br />renr•ernS -,beut the PregFarn sheul.d be ad dressed directly +e the PAGE <br />I e al r_eyernmen+ with nle-,r ,. n+nn+ infer..,,atien r. , <br />W. .4.11 r-,emplaints and reselutiens ShaISI-hhe-legged, with thefea�.g <br />infeFinatien at -a MIdate -;;md- tif .ea A-f-Ee",,,pla m, eusterner;,d <br />,.en+r-.,.+er infermn+ien .details of remnlain+ when and what arstiens weFe <br />taken by beth the RACE 6eealGePe ent-;;nd- the-EentfaEtei", anal <br />rnr,nl„t•nn <br />W. All disputes and reemplaints Shall be investigated --.Pd- reselved- iR a timely <br />rrmnnnnr Pn r+r shall be +e+he PAGE Pr m Ge r.di at8 <br />Fequest, to e1-lst re that the pvpeFty-ewnerwRderstands the teen. rns—^and <br />enteriRg iRte a PAGE ri. aRreiRg Agreement <br />(4913) Marketing: Neither PACE Local Governments nor their contractors, shall <br />use facsimiles of the City, Property Appraiser, or Tax Collector logos in their <br />marketing materials. Marketing materials shall not state that PACE: (i) is a free <br />program; (ii) is administered by the City; (iii) does not involve a financial obligation <br />by the property owner; (iv) is a form of public assistance. Marketing practices for a <br />PACE program that are or could appear to be unfair, deceptive, abusive, or <br />misleading, orthat violate laws or regulations, orthat are inappropriate, incomplete <br />or are inconsistent with the program's purpose are prohibited. <br />(2914) Reporting: <br />(a) Each PACE program shall provide a report to the city on a quarterly calendar <br />basis, which shall include, at a minimum, the following information: <br />@BCL@B80CDC07.docx Page 7 of 13 63 <br />