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Attachment A <br />l <br />FIRST AMENDMENT TO TTIE AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />THE CITY OF SUNNY ISLES BEACH AND <br />J•ORDA ENTERPRISES, INC. <br />CON'I'1EtA_C� NU. 2020 - c4288 <br />This First AmendmonE to the Agmemoat botweon the CITY 410 SUNNY ISLES BEACH <br />("City') and JORDA UN7'haktl'1 ISE -S, INC., ("Ccntraotor") exemedd this 27th day ofApril, 2021, is <br />made a part of the original Agreement between the panties dated April 29, 2020 ("the Agtcemotit"), <br />between the City and Contractor attached hereto as Attachment "A" whose Federal Identification # is <br />59,23400. The City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: <br />L FIRST OPTION TU RU, NEW. The City hereby elects to exercise its first option to renew the <br />Agreement far one (1) year as set forth in Section 4 of the Agreement The effective date of this first <br />amendment shalt commence on April 29, 2021 and shall terminatc no laterthan April 28.2022. <br />2. AIIDITIODIAL CO1ViPERSATION. Section 5 of the original Agmemont between the parties <br />is hereby amended to include additional compensation for this one (1) year renewal term in an amount <br />not to exceed Thirty -One 'Thousand lrour Hundred Eighty Dollars ($31,480.00). which amount includes <br />a coritingmey of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) for Additional Services as dereaed in the otigind <br />Agreemed and at the rates set forth therein. This amount will bring the total contract amount not to <br />exeoed Sixty -Two Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Dollars (562,960.00). <br />Pursuant to Florida Stadutes Section 287.135, contracting with any entity that is listed on the Scrutinized <br />Companies that Boycott Israel List or that is engaged to the boycott of Israel is prohibited. Contractors <br />musteertify thatthe company Is not participating inuboycott ofUracl. Any contractforgoods orserAces <br />of one Mllion Dollars ($1,000,000) or more stroll be terminated at the City's option If It is discovemd <br />that the entity submitted Wso documents of cortificadon, is listed on the Scrutinized Companies with <br />Activitles in Sudan List, the Scrutinized Companies with Activities In the Iran Petroleum Energy► Sector <br />List, or has been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria atter July 1, 2018. <br />Any contract entered into or ienewed alter July 1, 2018 shall be terminated at the Ctty'a option if the <br />company is listed on lite Sotutirilmd Companies that Boycott Israel List or engaged in the boycott of <br />[arae(. Contmettors must submit the certification that is attached to this agreement as Attachment "B" <br />Submitting a Use certification shall be deemed a ttaterlat breach of contract. The City shall provide <br />notice, in writing, to the Contractor of the City's determination concerning to false certification. The <br />Contractor shall have ninety (90) days following receipt of the notice to respond itt westing and <br />demonstrate that the determination was in error. If the Contractor does not demonstrate that the City's <br />determination of falso certification was made in error, then the City athall have the right to terminate the <br />contract and seek civil remedies pursuant to Florida Statute Section 287.135. <br />4. F-VEIf ML Flotida Statute 448.095 directs all public employers. including municipal <br />government+, to, verify the employment eligibility of all now public employees (rough the U.S. <br />Department of homeland Security's E Vorify System, and An*or provides that a public employer may <br />not enter into a contract unless each patty to the contract registers, with and uses the .-Ver* system. <br />Florida Statute 448.095 further provides that if a Consultant eiders into a contract with a subcontractor, <br />the subcontractor must provide the Consultant with an affidavit stating that the subcontractor does not <br />employ, contract wilt or subcontract with an anaudtotized alien. <br />In accordance with Florida Statute 449,05, Consultant is required to verify employee eligibility using <br />the &Verify system for all existing and new employees hired by Consultant during the contract term. <br />Further, Consultant teust also require and rnaintain the statutorily required affidavit of its subcontractors. <br />7orda Hntaprlscs Inc.—11list Atnandwent <br />