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Section 3. Creating Article VI. Article W VI, entitled, "Motorized Scooters, Coasters, <br />Skateboards, and Other Wheeled Devices," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sunny Isles <br />Beach, Florida, is hereby created to provide as follows: <br />ARTICLE VI — Motorized Scooters, Coasters, Skateboards, and Other Similar Wheeled Devices <br />§ 256-40. Definitions. <br />The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings <br />ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: <br />A. COASTER means a board or platform of any type of material mounted on two or more <br />wheels attached to the underside and controlled by an upright steering handle that is self- <br />propelled solely by human power in an upright position. <br />B. DIVIDED SIDEWALK means a sidewalk divided by visible markings in the center of the <br />sidewalk, with one side of the sidewalk designated for the exclusive use by pedestrians <br />and the opposing side of the sidewalk designated for the exclusive use by motorized <br />scooters, coasters, inline skates, roller blades, skateboards, electric personal assistive <br />mobility devices, and any such other similar wheeled devices. <br />C. ELECTRIC PERSONAL ASSISTIVE MOBILITY DEVICE (EPAMD) means any self -balancing, <br />two-nontandem-wheeled device, designed to transport only one person, with an electric <br />Propulsion system with average power of 750 watts (1 horsepower), the maximum speed <br />of which, on a paved level surface when powered solely by such a propulsion system while <br />being ridden by an operator who weighs 170 pounds, is less than 20 miles per hour. <br />Electric personal assistive mobility devices are not vehicles as defined in this section. <br />D. INLINE SKATE AND ROLLER BLADE means a manufactured or assembled device consisting <br />of an upper portion that is intended to be secured to a human foot, with a frame or chassis <br />attached along the length of the bottom of such upper portion, with such frame or chassis <br />holding two or more wheels that are longitudinally aligned and used to skate or glide by <br />means of human leg power. <br />E. MOTORIZED SCOOTER means any vehicle that is powered by a motor with or without a <br />seat or saddle for the use of the rider, which is designed to travel on not more than three <br />wheels. The term does not include an electric bicycle. <br />F. MOTORIZED SCOOTER REGISTRATION DECAL means the registration decal issued by the <br />City pursuant to the registration of any motorized scooter as provided herein. <br />G. PEDESTRIAN means any person afoot. <br />(FINAL3) Repeal and Create Article VI - Motorized Scootersetc_Motorized Scooters, Coasters, Skateboards, and other Wheeled Devices Page 3 of <br />