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be published in accordance with applicable law. There shall be no reeistration fee for <br />ninety 90 days after adoption on second reading of this Ordinance. <br />C. It shall be the duty of the applicant for the registration of a motorized scooter to provide <br />the information required by the application, including satisfactory proof of ownership. <br />Upon the execution of a completed application, the applicant shall be provided with a <br />motorized scooter registration decal by the city. In the event an owner does not have a <br />receipt for purchase of the motorized scooter showing ownership of the motorized <br />scooter, an affidavit declaring ownership may be used. <br />§ 256-43. Display of motorized scooter registration decal; removal. <br />A. A motorized scooter registration decal, when issued by the city, shall be immediately <br />affixed by the applicant to the motorized scooter for which the motorized scooter <br />registration decal was issued, in such a position that the motorized scooter registration <br />decal is clearly visible. The motorized scooter registration decal shall continue to remain <br />attached to the motorized scooter for which the motorized scooter registration decal was <br />issued and shall not be removed from such motorized scooter. <br />B. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, change, mutilate, or destroy any motorized <br />scooter registration decal issued pursuant to section 256-42 and attached to any <br />motorized scooter--....I,...r ir, *-..g,.F,.--,.,l t,. a Rmn ..:,l,.n....f t6on ,.:+.. *hg* ,a,...:..,.,. *.. <br />§ 256-44. Transfer of motorized scooter registration decal. <br />No motorized scooter registration decal issued shall be transferable from one motorized scooter <br />to another. However, a decal is transferable from one person to another person when there has <br />been a change in ownership of the motorized scooter and in accordance with a change in the <br />stration of the motorized scooter as Drovided for in section 256-45. <br />§ 256-45. Change of registration upon sale and exchange. <br />Not later than ten (10) days after the sale or exchange of any motorized scooter previously <br />registered in the city, the purchaser of the motorized scooter shall make application to the city <br />for a change in registration of the motorized scooter, and shall furnish the city with the necessary <br />information required to effect the change of registration. There shall be no charge for a change <br />in reeistration of anv motorized scooter. <br />§ 256-46. Stolen, lost, mutilated, destroyed, or illegible motorized scooter registration decal. <br />A. In the event that any motorized scooter registration decal issued and attached to any <br />motorized scooter is stolen, lost, mutilated, or destroyed, the person owning the <br />motorized scooter shall report the loss to the city and shall be furnished with a new <br />motorized scooter registration decal at no cost to the owner. It shall be unlawful for any <br />person owning any motorized scooter, when the motorized scooter registration decal has <br />(FINALS) Repeal and Create Article VI -Motorized Scootersetc_Motorized Scooters, Coasters, Skateboards, and other Wheeled Devices Page 5 of <br />