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March 5, 2024 / Page 8 of 13 <br />Bella Vista Park / Project #11723.04 <br />City of Sunny Isles Beach <br />Contract Addendum #2 <br />Bella Vista Park Seawall 116600 -A1 -R2 <br />March 5, 2024 Page 4 of 12 <br />notch at the existing dock access walkway to facilitate access. The two boatlifts will be installed <br />on the existing finger pier on the dock. Cummins Cederberg will also design a new upland deck, <br />landward of the existing seawall cap, as depicted on Figure 1. The drawings will be referenced <br />to NGVD. <br />Deliverable: Revised Permit Drawings (PDF Format) <br />Fees for Task 6 are Lump Sum: .................................................................................... $8,600.00 <br />Task 7 FDEP Permitting <br />Task 7.1 FDEP SWERP Application: The original contract included preparation and processing <br />of a Statewide Environmental Resource Permit (SWERP) Exemption Verification form requesting <br />authorization for a new seawall along the mean high water line, pursuant to Chapter 62-330.051, <br />F.A.C. Based on the Project revisions requested by the City, an SWERP Individual Permit is <br />required. Additionally, a request for authorization to use SSL will be prepared requesting a Lease <br />authorizing the existing and proposed structures. Cummins Cederberg will prepare a SWERP <br />Individual Permit Application Package and submit it to the FDEP, requesting authorization of the <br />Project, pursuant to Chapter 62-330, F.A.C. The Client will provide a signed application and <br />required fees. <br />Deliverable: SWERP Application packages (PDF Format) <br />Fees for Task 7.1 are Lump Sum: ................................................................................. $4,400.00 <br />Task 7.2 FDEP SWERP and SSL Lease Processing <br />FDEP SWERP Processing: The FDEP will coordinate with the FWC regarding manatees and other <br />species under their purview during their permit review for issuance of an Individual SWERP. The <br />FWC will also evaluate compliance with the Manatee Protection Plan (MPP). Cummins Cederberg <br />will maintain contact with FDEP to review plans and respond to Requests for Additional <br />Information (RAls) in support of FDEP issuance of a SWERP authorizing the Project. <br />Sovereign Submerged Lands Lease Coordination: FDEP determined that the existing dock does <br />not have a SSL Lease, as required for proprietary authorization. Structures and slips can often be <br />grandfathered if documented between 1970 and 1985; however, it appears that the dock at this <br />site was built between 1985 and 1991. Although the FDEP recognized that the Project is clearly <br />in the public interest, the FDEP requires additional information demonstrating that an extreme <br />hardship exists. Cummins Cederberg Cummins will coordinate with the Client and the City to <br />prepare documentation justifying that the City is facing an extreme hardship by not having their <br />marine patrol vessels collocated with an upland marine patrol building. Additionally, the <br />justification will demonstrate that the City suffers an extreme hardship by not having sufficient <br />waterfront public park access for its residents. Cummins Cederberg will coordinate with FDEP <br />CUMMINS CEDERBERG, INC. I Miami I Fort Lauderdale I Jupiter I Sarasota I St. Petersburg I Tallahassee <br />V Engineering Inspired Design. <br />