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Summ'ry Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting September 18,2003 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> 36-feet, after the fourth level, it must be on the fifth level, and Mr. Karp said that was <br /> correct. Vice Mayor Edelcup asked him to explain the view corridor step up on the north <br /> side,it doesn't look like there is a full 20-foot corridor,and Mr. Karp said that the parking <br /> garage steps in as you go up, it steps in on the sides and on the front, and the setback on <br /> the north meets the requirements. He noted that they are providing valet to make parking <br /> more sufficient and the parking pedestal as small as possible, and that this is as much as <br /> they can give because they are giving a lot of parking in the front,and compact as possible <br /> on the side. <br /> Vice Mayor Edelcup asked to show where the park is on the site plan, and Mr. Karp said <br /> that when you get to the beach area,the area between the bulk head line and the dune line <br /> is defined as the 10,000 square foot park area. Vice Mayor Edelcup noted that this will be <br /> a public park, and asked how a resident would access into it, and Mr. Karp said they <br /> would go through the promenade. Commissioner Goodman asked Mr. Karp who was <br /> going to maintain the park, and if they will pay the City to maintain it, and Mr. Karp said <br /> that is correct. <br /> Commissioner Goodman asked if this is considered in the VE Zone seeing how there is <br /> only a small area on both sides of the garage, and Mr. Karp said according to the survey <br /> that they are penetrating the VE Zone a little bit but they kept it at grade and kept the <br /> garage as low as possible to resolve that. Commissioner Iglesias said that the VE Zone is <br /> not a problem on large lots. Vice Mayor Edelcup noted that the driveways do not exactly <br /> line up with the traffic lights. Commissioner Iglesias said that the bottom line is that <br /> FDOT will not allow you to build anything unless you meet their regulations. <br /> Commissioner Iglesias cautioned that the higher the garage,the less desirable the building <br /> is. Vice Mayor Edelcup asked if there were any shadow studies done on this project and <br /> Mr. Karp said no, but when they first did the massing, they went this way because it <br /> creates more of a sundial effect. <br /> Jorge Vera, Planning and Zoning Administrator,reported that all requirements have been <br /> met, and recommended approval with staff conditions, and that there are several <br /> conditions. He noted that for the approval of the TDRs, the applicant will need an <br /> updated appraisal which they already have, but they will have to come back before the <br /> Commission to get an approval on the amount; provide landscaping, streetscape <br /> easements,provide 10,000 square foot park in the rear, provide declaration of restrictions <br /> recordable to the City, the bonuses which totals $803,040.00 for a total increase of 1.5 <br /> FAR,to meet their DERM requirements,Fire requirements,FDOT,DEP requirements,no <br /> building permit shall be issued unless they have met all of these requirements and paid all <br /> the fees and bonuses to the City, and basically in-house time to submit plans, to have an <br /> account open, consultants to be reimbursed by them, and they need to provide 24-hour <br /> valet service. <br /> Commissioner Goodman asked if they could provide bathrooms and showers in the <br /> 10,000-foot public park in the back. City Attorney Dannheisser stated that the <br /> 4 <br />