<br /> 0 Environmental Review:
<br /> Environmental scientists on staff are experts on various aspects of aquatic, wetland and upland
<br /> ecosystems; both in natural and man-made habitats. DMC ensures the field data collection is
<br /> implemented based on an understanding of the local, state and federal permitting requirements. We
<br /> confirm the necessary detail required for topographic, hydrographic and boundary survey work,
<br /> and
<br /> ` z. r
<br /> preferred
<br /> dephysc al data atum, cparameters.
<br /> essary th ofsampling
<br /> pwlegcomplete chemical
<br /> -: ,
<br /> �`" -'h == necessary benthic sampling, water quality sampling,
<br /> l \\ ig ,r"`" submerged land surveys, wetland delineation, species
<br /> surveys, archeological surveys, Submerged Aquatic
<br /> �!4r. ' Vegetation surveys, utility locates, and physical restrictions
<br /> ;40s. _ • - evaluation of our project site. DMC then compiles all this
<br /> ' a ! '®- information and, after client review, engineers a plan for
<br /> I 't?r- project implementation that is cost effective,
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<br /> A� +F t,` c k environmentally conscience, and most importantly, feasible.
<br /> 1 c�, a l er To ensure professional-level work, DMC environmental
<br /> A. Crarel N.
<br /> scientists actively participate in numerous ecological, water
<br /> resource and public health societies. In addition, our scientific staff are state-certified, licensed and
<br /> trained in a variety of disciplines, including Certified Professional in Soil Science, FWC Authorized
<br /> Gopher Tortoise Agents, FDEP Trained in SOP Sampling for Groundwater, Surface Water and
<br /> Wastewater, FDEP Audited to Conduct Lake Vegetation Index (LVI) Assessments, FDEP Certified
<br /> Stormwater Inspector, FDACS Certified in Public Health and Aquatics, University of Florida Certified
<br /> Master Naturalists in Coastal Systems, FDEP Trained in Stream Condition Index, FDEP Trained in
<br /> ® Wetland Delineations and Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (UMAM).
<br /> Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program:
<br /> DMC initiates each project with QA/QC in mind. Mr. Shailesh K. Patel, Project Manager will ensure that
<br /> the in-house design team has the ability to cross-check work, calculations, and design parameters in
<br /> conjunction with in-field ground truthing. All field work is reviewed by our senior engineers prior to
<br /> execution to ensure all state and federal standard operating procedures (SOP's) are adhered to prior,
<br /> during and after field work. The final product of design is reviewed by Mr. Patel before it is sent to the
<br /> client. Each step of the project has QA/QC incorporated along with "risk assessment", if any. As we
<br /> design the project, we will meet with Town staff to address issues and concerns to produce a well-
<br /> designed, viable, and safe final product.
<br /> Likewise, our environmental staff is well trained to follow state and federal standard operating
<br /> procedures (SOP's) for the collection, transport, storage and analysis of water and sediment samples
<br /> for any type of project. Guidelines from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Standard
<br /> Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, and Florida Department of Environmental
<br /> Protection (FDEP) QA Rule, 62-160, F.A.C. are applied to each project as applicable. As additional
<br /> assurance, DMC field staff has specifically received training from the University of Florida in a field and
<br /> classroom intensive course called "FDEP SOP Sampling Training for Groundwater, Surface Water and
<br /> Wastewater." Based upon this training and previous project experience, regular FDEP SOP's that
<br /> DMC staff is accustomed to following include:
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