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3. INITIAL TERM AND OPTIONAL RENEWAL. Subject to the provisions relating to <br /> the termination of this Agreement as set forth hereunder, the term of this Agreement shall begin <br /> upon the execution of this Agreement and shall end no later than two years thereafter. The City <br /> shall have the right to renew this Agreement for three (3) optional one (1)year renewal terms. <br /> 4. COMPENSATION. The Contractor agrees to provide the desired Services to the City <br /> in an amount not to exceed Twenty Nine Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Five Dollars <br /> ($29,395.00) for initial hardware, installation, and system setup for three solutions, in addition to <br /> a recurrent annual maintenance fee of Seven Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Three Dollars and <br /> Ninety Six Cents ($7,373.96), bringing the total contract amount not to exceed Forty Four <br /> Thousand One Hundred Forty Two Dollars and Ninety Two Cents($44,142.92) for the initial <br /> two-year term. The total compensation amount encompasses fixed and variable costs for a total <br /> of seven (7) active and spare vehicles. Should the City wish to expand the service by increasing <br /> the number of active vehicles, the waived cost associated with a spare vehicle converted to an <br /> active vehicle shall be adjusted to an amount no greater than One Thousand Seventy-Nine Dollars <br /> and Seventy-Six Cents($1,079.76)per year for each such vehicle.Variable costs also include IVR <br /> minutes, which must be purchased separately if the allotted package minutes are consumed. <br /> In the event both the City and Contractor agree to exercise the pption(s) to renew, Contractor <br /> agrees to charge an amount not to exceed Seven Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Three Dollars <br /> and Ninety Six Cents ($7,373.96) for each yearly renewal term in addition to One Thousand <br /> Seventy Nine Dollars and Seventy-Six Cents($1,079.76)per year for each additional spare vehicle <br /> that is converted to a permanently active vehicle. Payment to Contractor for all charges and tasks <br /> under this Agreement shall be in accordance with this Agreement and a schedule of charges <br /> reflected in Attachment"A" and under the following conditions: <br /> • <br /> a. Disbursements. There are no reimbursable expenses associated with this contract. <br /> b. Payment Schedule. Invoices received from the Contractor pursuant to this <br /> Agreement will be reviewed by the initiating City Department. If services have <br /> been rendered in conformity with the Agreement, the invoice will be sent to the <br /> Finance Department for payment. Invoices must reference the contract number <br /> assigned hereto. Invoices will be paid in accordance with the State of Florida <br /> Prompt Payment Act. The City will pay properly submitted Contractor invoices <br /> within 30(thirty)days of receipt,for completed and accepted deliveries or specified <br /> services and/or goods, unless the City notifies the Contractor in writing of the <br /> dispute, before the payment is due. <br /> c. Availability of Funds. The City's performance and obligation to pay under this <br /> Agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation for its purpose by the City <br /> Commission. <br /> d. Final Invoice. In order for both parties herein to close their books and records,the <br /> Contractor will clearly state"final invoice" on the Contractor's final/last billing to <br /> the City. This certifies that all services have been properly performed and all <br /> ch ges and costs have been invoiced to the City. Since this account will thereupon <br /> be closed, any other additional charges, if not properly included on this final <br /> in oice, are waived by the Contractor. <br /> ._� --TSO-M BILE Page 2 S a B <br />