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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting January 21,2016 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> 10J. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach. Florida.Approving <br /> the First Amendment to the Agreement with Lynx Construction Management,LLC for <br /> Repairs to Government Center and Heritage Park, in an Amount Not to Exceed <br /> $120.779.34,Attached Hereto as Exhibit"A";Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Said First <br /> Amendment to Agreement; Authorizing the City Manager to Do All Things Necessary to <br /> Effectuate this Resolution; Providing for an Effective Date. <br /> Action: City Clerk Hines read the title, and Capital Projects Manager Elka Linton-Dorsett <br /> reported we have completed a large number of projects slated including the acoustics in the <br /> Commission Chambers, some painting and stucco repair on the exterior of the Government <br /> Center. However, the work that we have done has uncovered additional repairs that are <br /> needed that were not included in the Scope of Work. One of these improvements will be the <br /> addition of mechanical vents within the Heritage Park Parking Garage as well as repairs to <br /> doors and windows within the Government Center. <br /> Public Speakers: None <br /> Commissioner Goldman moved and Commissioner Levin seconded a motion to approve <br /> the resolution. Resolution No. 2016-2516 was adopted by a voice vote of 5-0 in favor. <br /> 10K. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida,Approving a <br /> Premium Lighting Agreement with Florida Power and Light(FPL) for the Installation <br /> or Modification of Premium Lighting Facilities in the Golden Shores Residential <br /> Neighborhood, in an Amount Not to Exceed $53,991.00, in Substantially the Same Form <br /> Attached Hereto as Exhibit"A", Provided the Agreement is Approved as to Form and Legal <br /> Sufficiency by the City Attorney; Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Said Agreement; <br /> Authorizing the City Manager and the City Attorney to Do All Things Necessary to <br /> Effectuate this Resolution; Providing for an Effective Date. <br /> Action: City Clerk Hines read the title,and City Manager Russo reported this is the interim <br /> lighting for Golden Shores. It will increase the lighting from about 30%to 40%of what it <br /> should be of about 70%. This started because we know that the undergrounding process both <br /> in terms of being able to properly plan it,engineer it, and for the City to have the funds to do <br /> it is at least five (5) years away. In the interim, we had meetings over the summer with <br /> members of the Association there and at that time he had thought we could actually get this <br /> off the ground before the end of the summer when he realized that FPL owns those lights still <br /> and hadn't been taken over by the City yet. It had to be engineered and approved by them. <br /> They have now since done the engineering, and when they say "premium". they mean the <br /> more powerful,more efficient,and better LED lighting fixtures vs.older cobra sodium vapor <br /> lights. During their engineering they found that there were a couple of the poles that actually <br /> holds these lights that are in bad shape and have to be replaced as well. FPL will get started <br /> within the month, and we can get much improved lighting until we get the big project done. <br /> Public Speakers: None <br /> Commissioner Levin moved and Commissioner Goldman seconded a motion to approve <br /> the resolution. Resolution No. 2016-2517 was adopted by a voice vote of 5-0 in favor. <br /> 25 <br />