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2016-0218 Regular City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2016-0218 Regular City Commission Meeting
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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting February 18,2016 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> more connected, and she is very happy to see that 100% of the Committee came back, we <br /> were all reappointed, and we can keep the team together, move forward, and build on the <br /> lessons that we have learned. <br /> Chair Viscarra said from the Subcommittee perspective,she was the head of the Community <br /> Outreach,and in that role,for the very first time the CAC now has a dedicated email address, <br /> the members have their own business cards to allow them to connect with the community <br /> and network better. Again, because they have a turnover if a member was very active and <br /> had a lot of connections and communications with certain people, once they left the group, <br /> that connectivity left with them. We are all using the same streamlining if they lose track of <br /> that member they still have a way to communicate with us and we can pick up where that <br /> member left off. We also have an updated website and we tried targeted email lists as a way <br /> to send out the invitations to keep people more connected and to attend the meetings. She <br /> also met with business owners and different board members to discuss again what are the <br /> feasible ideas,what are the needs,we can't address all the needs only the things that have to <br /> do with the City, and of course there were a lot of condo issues, and this is where we invite <br /> them to come to our"Condo Series", and they see what our role is and that we are here. <br /> Chair Viscarra said the Condo Series was very successful, they had five (5)workshops that <br /> were very well attended and as a result they are carrying that over. The first one for 2016 is <br /> scheduled for Thursday, February 25, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, <br /> regarding Condo Elections. For the Health and Fitness Subcommittee we learned the lesson <br /> that sometimes plans can be a little too big,Michael Ducote,Chair of this Subcommittee had <br /> fabulous ideas and worked really hard. He tried to bring a big event to the City but the City <br /> simply could not sustain that scale of an idea, and so we are reshaping them and refocusing <br /> them to smaller scale activities,perhaps connected with the opening of the parks and bridges. <br /> Also the joint efforts between Subcommittees, and work together in a joint effort, not <br /> everybody has to come up with one individual idea. We had the Traffic Subcommittee and <br /> • looming over that Subcommittee was the Comprehensive Traffic Study,all roads in her mind <br /> whenever something came up was, isn't that in the Comprehensive Study? And a lot of it <br /> was but we found out that there was a lot of things that were not. Now that Subcommittee <br /> may be shifting its focus to broader safety issues given that clearly traffic is very much on the <br /> City's radar. We also have the Talent and Music Subcommittee and one of the ideas that <br /> came out of that was an event at the opening of Gateway Park which has not happened yet,it <br /> is still a working idea. Coming forward we also have the Green Subcommittee where they <br /> are exploring more environmentally friendly ideas in the City. We stay as a team and we are <br /> learning how to reshape and channel our energies more efficiently. She invited the <br /> community to connect with them noting their email address is cac to come to their <br /> meetings, they meet every other month, and they actually want to hear from them. <br /> Mayor Scholl thanked Ms. Viscarra,it is not an easy job,but the CAC does play an important <br /> part of the community and it does connect a lot of people in the community with the City. At <br /> the same time it helps manage expectations sometimes because like you said, people come <br /> into the CAC not knowing where the constraints are and sometimes when you do get a lot of <br /> members they come in with an expectation level that sometimes is good and sometimes is <br /> bad but the bottom line is your leadership for continuity is important, and so we greatly <br /> appreciate the time that you invest in it, and the Commission thanked her. <br /> 3 <br />
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