<br />The above described perimetrical boundary lies between elevation -80.00 feet and elevation -
<br />90.00 feet relative to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.
<br />
<br />HOTEL LOT, being any portion thereof which is part of the Shared Essential Components (as
<br />hereinafter defined), Notwithstanding the foregoing legal description, the following components
<br />of the improvements which may be constructed upon property described therein (the "Shared
<br />Essential Components") shall automatically be deemed excluded from the Condominium
<br />(whether or not contained within the legal descriptions) and instead shall be deemed part of the
<br />Non-Condominium Lot (as defined in the Homeowners' Covenants): any and all structural
<br />components of the improvements, including, without limitation, all exterior block walls and all
<br />finishes (paint, stucco etc) and balconies, terraces and/or facades attached or affixed thereto; the
<br />roof;, all roof trusses, roof support elements and roofing insulation; all utility, mechanical,
<br />electrical, telephonic, telecommunications, plumbing and other systems, including, without
<br />limitation, all wires, conduits, pipes, ducts, transformers, cables and other apparatus used in the
<br />delivery of the utility, mechanical, telephonic, telecommunications, electrical, plumbing and/or
<br />other services, serving more than one Condominium Unit (provided that if same shall serve only
<br />one Condominium Unit, the same shall be part of such Condominium Unit which it serves); all
<br />heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, including, without limitation, compressors, air
<br />handlers, ducts, chillers, water towers and other apparatus used in the delivery of HV AC
<br />services, serving more than one Condominium Unit (provided that if same shall serve only one
<br />Condominium Unit, the same shall be part of such Condominium which it serves); all elevator
<br />shafts, elevator cabs, elevator cables and/or systems and/or equipment used in the operation of
<br />the elevators transversing the Condominium and all trash rooms, trash chutes and any and all
<br />trash collection and/or disposal systems, hallways, stairways, mechanical, janitorial, electrical
<br />and communications rooms (excluding the telephone switch, which shall be part of the exclusive
<br />property of the Non-Condominium Lot) in the Condominium improvements. The Shared
<br />Essential Components shall also include the roadways, walkways, sidewalks, drainage systems,
<br />exterior lighting, planters, landscaping and sprinkler systems located on the Non-Condominium
<br />Lot.
<br />