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NOV 19 97 t0:11c L7•n •n M. Cannneisser (3i1QI SSS -4727 <br />F.< <br />S. Creation of Law Department,. <br />It is my goal to provide effective legal counsel and representation in all general matters <br />affecting the City. including but not limited to, creation of an inter] a] agreement with Dade <br />County, arista ce in securing all sources of revenues due the City, contracts, legal opinions, <br />ordinances and general legal advice and counsel for the Commission, the t7actt <br />and al] department heads. However, it must be understood that outside counsel must be retained <br />al City Manager <br />for most litigation matters, labor law issues and specialized e <br />there may be other issues which arise in which I believe the C yt's besttinteres[ ail! b addition, <br />by the retention of outside counsel. In those specific situations, I will attempt to stay within the <br />budget as eventually established by the Commission and the City Manager and, in the event that <br />retention of outside counsel would exceed that budget, I will seek the prior consent of the Mayor <br />and /or the Commission. <br />I believe the foregoing addresses all issues to be mutually considered. I am truly honored <br />by and appreciate the opportunity to serve as the City's first City A[[orney. t look forward to <br />working with you and every Commission to provide the best possible legal services for the <br />newly incorporated City of Sunny Isles. <br />If you are in agreement with the terms set forth !n this letter, please place your signature <br />below. <br />Yours truly, <br />y . Dannheisser <br />Acknowledged and Agreed to this 8th day of August, 1997. <br />CITY OF SUNjNY ISLES <br />BY <br />ayor <br />cc: The Honorable Commissioner Lila Kaufman <br />The Honorable Commissioner Lrving Turetsky <br />The Honorable Commissioner Daniel Iglesias <br />The Honorable Commissioner Connie bforrow <br />