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STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSAC'T'IONS <br />A. F.VIDEN1 E OF TITLE.- (1) An abstract of title prepared or broug <br />an existing firm) purpo sy <br />rting to be an accurate nopsis of the instrun <br />the Real Property is lorate0 through Effective llate. It shall comment <br />noun o -1 a purchase price, insuring Buyer's title to th <br />and those to be discharged by Seller at or before <br />ons provided in this Contract. Marketable title shall be <br />e with law. Buyer shall have 30 days if abstract or 5 <br />Buyer shall within 3 days thereafter, notify Seiler in <br />.hit of notice to remove the defects, failing which Buye <br />BUYER'S /� ELLE 'S INITIAL / <br />a reputable and existing abstract firm (if not existing then certified as correct by <br />title to the Real Property recorded in the public records of The county wherein <br />rliest public records, or such later dale as may be customary in the count . Uf��on <br />to the right of retention thereof by first mortgagee until fully paid. (2�A Its lcic <br />fuqeq upon recording of the deed to Buyer, an owner's policy of title insurance <br />:u6jeel only to liens, encumbrances, exceptions or qualifications provided in This <br />dl convey marketable title subject only to liens, encumbrances, exceptions or <br />inK to applicable title Standards adopted by authority of The Florida [far and in <br />"I intent, from dale of receiving evidence oT title to examine it. If title is found <br />the defect(s). If defect(s) render title unmarketable Seller will have 30 days <br />14((5) days after expiration of the shirty (30) day perio;J, deliver written notice to <br />hin which Seller shall use diligent effort to remove the defects; or (2 requesting <br />I t otif Seller Bu er shall be deemed to have accepted the title as it then <br />a refund of deposit(sl pain which shall be immediately returned to Troyer. a nu w tai s to .so. n <br />is. Seller shall, if tittle is found unmarketable, use diligent effort to correct dyefecl(s within the time provided therefor. If Seller o unable this timely correct the <br />defects, Bu er shall either waive the defects or receive a refund of deposit(s), thereby releasing Buyer and Seller (room all further obligation under This Contract. <br />D. PURCHASE MONEY MOKMAGE; SR�URI7YAGREF.MF.Mf'f0 SELLER A purchase money mortgage and mortgagge note to Seller shall provide for a 30 day grace <br />period in the event of default if a first mortgage and a 15 -day grace period if a second or lesser mortgage; shall provide for right of prepayment in whole or in part <br />without penalty, shall ppeermit acceleration in event of transfer of the Real Property; shall require all poor liens and encumbrances to be kepi m goof standing ring <br />forbid modifications of [inure advances under prior mortgage( <br />shall require Buyer to maintain policies of insurance containing a standard mortgagee clause covering <br />all improvements located on the Real Property egrimst fire and offs perils included within the term extended covers a endorsements" and such other risks and perils as <br />Seller may reasonable require, in an amount eqqual to their highest insurable value; and the mortgage, note and securily agreement shall be otherwise in form and content <br />required by Seller, but Seller may only require cfauses and coverage customarily found in mortgages, nlorlgage notes and security agreements generally utilized by savings and <br />loan institutions or state or national banks located in the county wherein the Real Propert is located. All Personal Propeay and leases bung coal pay a asstKKI c will <br />at Seller's option, be subject to the lien of a security agreement evidenced by recordedyfinancing statements. If a balloon mortgage, the final payment wll exceed <br />the periodic pa ants thereon. <br />C. SURVEY: Buyer, at Buyer's expense, within time allowed to deliver evidence of tide and to examine same, may have the Real Property surveyed and certified <br />byaregisteredM idasurveyor; Ifthesurveydisclosesencroachmentson the Real Propertyor that improvements located thereon encroach on setback tines,easements, lands <br />of others or violate any restnctions, Contract covenants or applicable ggovernmental regulation, the same shall constitute a title defect. <br />D. TRRM�IES: Buyer, at Buyer's expense, within the time allowed to deliver evidence of title, may have the Property inspected byy a Florida Certified Pest Control <br />Operator E : Buy r to determine if there is any visible active termite infestation or visible damage from termite infestation in the Property. If either or both arc <br />found, Buy ave 4 days from date of written notice thereof within which to have cost of treatment if required, estimate) by the Operator and all damage inspected <br />and estimated by a licensed braider or general contractor. Seller shall ay valid costs of treatment anb repair of all damage up to the amount provided in Paragrapph <br />XIII(a). If estimated costs exceed that amount, Buyer shall have the option of canceling this Contract within 5 days after receipt of contractor's repair estimate liy <br />giving written notice to Seller or Buyer may elect to proceed with the transaction, and receive a credit at closing on the amount provided in <br />Para rapph__XIII(al. "termites" shall be deemed to include all wood destroying organisms required to be reported under the Florida Pesl Control Act, as amended. <br />E. 1�GRESS ANND EGRESS: Seller warrants and represents that There is ingress and egress to the Real Property sufficient for its intended use as described <br />in Para rapph VII hereof, title to which is in accordance with Standard A. <br />F. IJ�SES: Seller shall, not less than 15 days before closing, furnish to Buyer copies of all written leases and esto pct letters from each tenant <br />specif ing the nature and duration of the tenant s occu anry, rental rates advanced rent and security deposits paid by tenanC If Seller is unable to obtain <br />such Feuer from each tenant, the same information shall be Turnished by Seller to Buyer within that lime period ur the form of a Seller's affidavit, and Buyer <br />may thereafter contact tenants to confirm such information. Seller shall, at closing, deliver and assign all original leases to )toyer. <br />G. I,IF.NS: Seller shall furnish to Buyer at time of closing an affidavit attesting to the absence, unless otherwise pmvided for herein, of any financing <br />statement, claims of lien or potential lienors known to Seller and further attesting that there have been no impprovements or repairs to the Real Properly for, 90 days <br />immediately preceding date of closing. If the Real Properly has been improved or repaired within that time, S,ce' shall deliver releases or waivers of construction liens <br />executed ly all general contractors, subcontracrors, suppliers and materialmen in addition to Seller's lien affidavit setting forth the names of all such general <br />contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and materialmen, further affirming that all charges for improvements or repairs which could serve as a basis for a construction <br />lien or a claim for damnggc�s have been paid or will be paid at the closing of this Contract. <br />H. PLACE OF CLOSIN(;: Closing shall be held in the count wherein the Real Properly is located at the office of the attorney or other closing agent designated by Seller. <br />1. TIME: In computing time periods of less than six (6) days Saturdays, Sundays and state or national legal holidays shall he excluded. Any time periods provided <br />for herein which shall end on a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal hobda shall extend to 5:00 .m. of the next business day. Time is of the essence in this Contract. <br />anJlmnnggnagKee <br />estoppel le tears and corrective shall nstrumen s Buyer shall furnish )closing statement, mortgage,�m mortgage note ,securityfaggreementiandsfinanc ng statements.t <br />K. E olETVSES: Documentary stamps on the deed and recording of corrective instruments shall be paid 6y Seller. Documentary stamps and intangible tax r. <br />the purchase money mortgage and any mortgage assumed, and recording of purchase money mortgage to Seller, deed and financing statements shall be pail by the Buyer. <br />Unless otherwise provided try law or rider to this Contract, char es for the following . relate services, namely title or abstract charge, Lille examination, and <br />settlement and closingK fee shall be paid by the party responsible for urnishing the title evidence in accordance with Paragraph V. <br />L. PRORKrIONS; CREDITS: taxes, assessments, rent, interest, insurance and other expenses of the Property shall be prorated through the day before <br />closingg. Buyer shall have the option of taking over existing policies of insurance, if assumable, in which event premiums shall be prorated. Cash at closing <br />shall be increased or decreased as may be reywired by roralions to be made through day prior to closing or occupancy i( occupancyp occurs before closing. <br />Advance rent end security deposits will be credited to Buyer. Escrow deposits held by mortgagee will be credued to Seller. Taxes stile be prorated based on <br />the current year's tax with due allowance made for maximum allowable discount, homestead and ogler exemptions. If dosing occurs at a date when the current year's <br />millage is not fixed and curent year's assessment is available, taxes will be prorated based upon such assessment and poor year's millage. If current year's <br />assessment is not available, then taxes will be prorated on prior year's tax. 1( there are completed improvements on the heal Property by January 1st of year <br />of closing, which impprovements were not in existence on January Ist of prior pear, then taxes shall be prorated based upon prior years millage ring al an <br />equitable assessment to be agreed upon between the parties; failing which, request shall he made to the County Propertyy Appraiser for an informal assessment Lakin <br />info account available exemptions. A tax proration based on an estimate shall, at request of either party, be readjusted upon reccip� <br />of tax bill on condition that a statement to that effect is signed at closin . <br />M. SPECIAL, ASSESSMENT LIENS: Certified confirmed and ratipied special assessment liens as of date of closing (not as of Effective Date) are to be paid <br />by Seller. Pending liens as of date of closingg shall be assumed by Buyer. If the improvement has been substantially completed as st Effective Date, any pending <br />lien shall be considered certified, confirmed or ratified and Seller shall, at closing, be charged an amount equal to the last estimate or assessment for the <br />improvement bx thepmblic bog . <br />-rl u cvsiu s that <br />nor walls, <br />0011 all ail the ilei <br />XIII(b). Seller is not required to mane repairs or rcli —clo-1 <br />for such repair or replacement exceeds the amount provided in f <br />this Contract. If Selfer is unable to correct the defects prior to <br />provide utilities service and access to the Property for inspectioi <br />the Real Property and, subject to the foregoing, that all requit <br />lawn shrubbery and pool, if an , has been maintained in the condi <br />O. RISK OF LOSS: If the Properly is damaged b fire or of <br />of the Property so damaged cos restoration shall be an obit <br />costs escrowed it closing. if the cost of restoration o °xeeeds . <br />,_,.._.. a._ Ve, .a — , i.,ve_ther with either the 3/0 or any <br />and <br />the <br />for <br />have 30 days <br />IT written dema <br />vacate the Rea <br />I take title as <br />or bill of sale. <br />institution as to place,, Tim <br />Seller shall have the right <br />any title defect at <br />�ursuant to Section 627.794 <br />. ESCROW. Any escrow <br />in escrow and, subJ'ect to <br />pperformance. If in doubt at <br />the escrow until the partie <br />or Agent may deposit sam <br />on the part of Agent shal <br />Agent will comply with pi <br />Agent hereunder, or in an <br />these amounts to be paid <br />Agent shall not be habli <br />willful breach of the provisi <br />R. ATTORNEY'S FEES; <br />such litigation. which, for <br />red) or by an <br />i <br />report n writ <br />to have wai, <br />a arm or <br />ml <br />rac tor. <br />not meet <br />feels not <br />i cosmetic nature unless caused by a defect Seller is responsible to repair of ­I­­- - •­ "" <br />graph XIII(b), Buyer or Seller II mT c elect to pay such excess, fading which either party may cancel or ismg, the cost thereof shall be ppaid into escrow a1 closing. Seller shall upon reasonable notice, <br />including ,walk- through prior fo closing, to confirm chef all items 0f rersonal Property, are on <br />repairs and replacenments have been made and That Ilse Propeay, including, but clot limited to, <br />i existing as of Effective Dale, ordinary wear and tear excepted. <br />casualty before closing and cost of restoration does not exceed 3% of the assessed valuation <br />nT of the Seller and closing shall procec pursuant to the terms of this Contract with restoration <br />wraoce plocee" Pr able bf virtuerol au�halossaorgda111 geY orsloficanccligelhisl (ontractita1J <br />p PY Y <br />PROCEDURE:'ne deed shall be recorded upon clearance of funds. If an abstract of title has been furnished, evidence of title <br />to show title in Buyer, without any encumbrances or change which would render Seller's title unmarketable from the date of the <br />all be held in escrow by Seller's attorney or other mutually acceptable escrow agent for a period of not more than 5 days <br />rendered unmarketable, through no fault of Buyer, Bu er shall, within the 5 -Bay period, notify Seller in writing oft e <br />from date of receipt of such notification to cure the defect. If Seller fails to timely cure the defect, all deposn(s) and <br />nil by Dwyer and within 5 days ,her demand be returned to Buyer and, simultaneously with such repayment, Buyer shall return <br />I Property and reconvey the Property to Seller by special warranty deed and bill of sale. If Buyer fails to make timely demand <br />is warng all ngtits against Selfer as to any intervening defect except as may be available to Buyer by virtue of warranties <br />I( a portion of the purchase price is to be derived from institutional financing or refinancing, requirements of the lending <br />nd procedures for closing, and for disbursement of mortgage proceeds shall control over contrary provision in this Contract. <br />from the lending institution a written commitment that if will not withhold disbursement of mortgage proceeds <br />as a result of <br />nortgagor. 111, escrow and closing procedure required by this Standard shall be waived if the title agent insures adverse matters <br />F.S.,Ias amended. <br />agent ( "A ent ") receiving funds or equivalent is authorized and agrees by acceplancc of them to deposit them promptly, hold same <br />: learance, disburse them in accordance with terms and conditions of this Contract. Failure of funds to clear shall not excuse Buyer's <br />to Agent's duties or liabilities under the provisions of this Contract, Agent may, at Agent's option, continue to hold the subject matter of <br />s hereto agree to its disbursement or until a )ud ement of a court or competent 'unsdiction shall determine the rights of the parties, <br />c with the Berk of the circuit court having juns fiction of the dispute. Upon roll ying all parties concerned of such action, at <br />i Iiabiliy <br />fully terminate, except to the extent of accounting, for any items previous) delivered out of escrow. If a licensed real estate broker, <br />ovisions of Chapter 475, F.S., as amended. Any suit between Buyer and Seller wherein Agent is made a party because of acting as <br />suit wherein Agent interpleads the subject matter of the escrow, Agent shall recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred with <br />from and out of the escrowed funds or equivalent and charged and awarded as court costs in favor of the prevailing party. 7hc <br />to any party or person for misdelivery to Buyer or Seller of items subject to the escrow, unless such misdelivery is due to <br />ms of this Contract or gross negligence of Agent. <br />COSTS: In any litigation{ including breach enforcement or interpretation, arising out of this Contract, the prevailing party in <br />purppores of this $laildard, shall include Seller, Buyer and any brokers acting in agency or nonagency relationships authorized by <br />ed, shall be. entitled to recover from the non - prevailing pparty reasonable attorne 's fees, costs and expenses. <br />4ANCF.: If Buyer fails to perform this Contract within cite lime specified, incl, mf pa enl of all deposits, the deposit(s) paid ,y Buyer and <br />maybe recovered and retained by and for the account of Selle r as agreed upon liquidated damagges, conside ration for t he execution of this Cemtract <br />any claims; whereupon, Buyer and Seller shall be relieved of all obligations under lflis Contract; or Seller, at Seller's option, may <br />rce Seller's rights under this Contract. If for any reason other than failure of Seller to make Seller's title markelahle after diligent <br />„_6._...: or refuses to perform this Contract, the Buyer may seek specific performance or elect to receive the return of Buyer's deposits) <br />b �waivin any action for Ramages resulting from Seller's breach. <br />C NOT I CORDADLE, PF.RSUNS DOURD; NOTICE: Neither this Contract nor any notice of it shall be recorded in any public records.'Ihis Contract shall <br />re to the benefit of the parties and their successors in interest. Whenever the context permits, singular shall include plural and one gender shall include <br />'en by or to the altomcy for any vday shall be as effective as if given by or to that party. <br />YAN(.h: Seller shall convey, title to the Real Properly by statutory warranty, trustee's, personal representative's or guardian's deed, as <br />to the status of Seller, subject only to matters contained in Paragraph.Vll and those otherwise accepted by Buyer. Personal Iroperty shall, at the <br />e Buyerr be tranf ell d by an absolute bill of sale with warranty of title, sub'cct only to such matters as may be otherwise provided for herein. <br />AGREEMENTS: No nor or present a reements or representations s all be binding upon Buyer or Seller unless included in this Contract. No <br />change in this Contract shall be valid or binding upon the parties unless in writing and executed by the party or parties intended to be bound by it. <br />_ . its abservable -by <br />1 0IASER Genenied by Display Sri,". Inc (941) 763 5515 <br />R­12/95 COPYRIGHT 1995111E FLORIDA BAR AND TILE FLORIDA ASSOCAMN OF REALTOR <br />