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Memo <br />To: The City Commission <br />From: Jorge L. Vera, Zoning and Code Administrator <br />Subject: Request for Zoning Moratorium waiver <br />Williams Island Ocean Club & Resort <br />Date: January 21, 1999 <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the City Commission grant the requested waiver of moratorium for the modification <br />of condition and deny the request for temporary certificate of occupancy. <br />REASONS <br />After reviewing the above referenced request, staff has concluded that the grant of a waiver, which would <br />permit the consideration of a zoning approval for a modification of a previously approved condition is <br />appropriate. Said use would not contravene the purpose of the moratorium ordinance and will not <br />materially reduce the existing capacity of public services. There is virtually no possibility of a comprehensive <br />plan objective or policy which would seek to change the character of a long established commercial use. <br />The use originally granted to the applicant was a "Beach club in conjunction with an existing hotel". It is <br />important to recognize that a hotel use is classified by the South Florida Building Code as Group "H" <br />occupancy. A beach club on the other hand is classified as a Group "A or B" occupancy. While the hotel <br />exists and operates, the beach club can be incidental to the hotel without requiring a reclassification of the <br />building. However, the operation of the beach club without the hotel as the main use, would necessitate <br />reclassifying the entire occupancy to Group "A or B ". Any changes in occupancy group would mandate that <br />the entire building be brought up to code standards for Group "A or B" occupancy. It is not within the <br />purview of the City Commission to grant variances from the building code, even on a temporary basis. <br />Therefore, the commission should approve the request for a waiver of the moratorium to permit the applicant <br />to request a modification of a previously approved condition. The commission should reject directing the <br />building official to grant a temporary certificate of occupancy in contravention of the law. This is not a <br />recommendation regarding the substance of any zoning request, but merely a recommendation that <br />the Commission grant a waiver of the moratorium in this specific instance so that the applicant's <br />zoning request may be considered by the City at a later date. <br />Pā€” ni-etfillly submltte' , <br />t , Zoning and Code Administrator <br />