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<br />f. nprojectn shall be defined as in 44CFR 206.201(i). <br />2. APPLICABLE ST~TUTES, RULES and AGREEMENTS: The parties <br />agree to be bound by all terms of the FEMA-State Agreement and <br />all applicable state and federal statutes, regulations, guidance <br />and handbooks, including but not limited to those identified in <br />Attachments A and C, and the pertinent implementing regulations <br />and guidance. <br />3. FUNDING and INSURANCE: The Grantee shall provide funds to <br />the Subgrantee for eligible emergency assistance activities for <br />the projects approved by the Grantee and FEMA, specifically <br />described in the Project Worksheet(s) (PW[s]). Allowable costs <br />shall be determined in accordance with 44 CFR ~206 and 44 CFR <br />Part 13, and pertinent FEMA guidance documents. Approved PWs <br />shall be transmitted to the Subgrantee and shall cumulatively <br />document the specific amount of funding provided, and the <br />applicable scope(s) of eligible work and eligible costs, under <br />this Agreement. PWs may obligate, or deobligate funding,. thereby <br />revising the total amount of authorized funding. PWs document <br />the total eligible costs and the total Federal share of 75% for <br />all eligible emergency work costs. Contingen~ upon an <br />appropriation by the Florida Legislature, the Gra~tee-agrees to <br />provide one-half of any non-Federal share (12~% of total eligible <br />costs). As a condition of receipt of this funding, and <br />contingent upon an appropriation by the Florida Legislature where <br />required, the Subgrantee similarly agrees to provide one-half of <br />any non-Federal share (12~% of total eligible costs). <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />FEMA-1306-DR-FL <br />