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<br />SECTION 5. Statement of Need and Current Staff - Part A. Describe the specifIC problem or defICiency that is to be co"ected. <br />Document the need by providing the source of the of the statistical data, and include both numbers and percentages. Statistical <br />data should correspond to the geographical project area described in Section 1. Do not exceed the space provided. Part B. List <br />current staff (not MVTPA-funded) that have motor vehicle theft responsibilities in your agency. Include the position title,fuU-time <br />salary, and percent of time spent on motor vehicle theft responsibilities. <br /> <br />Part A. Statement of Need <br /> <br />The Sunny Isles Beach Police Department serves an area of approximately 2.5 miles along the East Coast in <br />Miami-Dade County. Last year the citizens of the City reported 126 vehicles stolen, which as reported by the <br />State of Florida Auto Theft Statistics for 1999, ranks the City ninety-seventh of all of the Departments in the <br />State of Florida, The Department recovered 14 foreign stolen vehicles and 3 vehicles that were reported to the <br />Department. With the help of the funds from the MVTP A grant the Department hopes to educate the citizens of <br />the City on methods that will decrease the likelihood of them becoming a victim. Also, the Department will <br />purchase the LOJACK vehicle recovery system to aid in recovering stolen vehicles throughout the City. The <br />Department will send officers and detectives to training courses that will be the start of an Auto Theft Unit in <br />our Detective Bureau. <br /> <br />Part B. Current Staff (attach additional page if necessary) <br /> <br />The Department is committed to delivering the best possible police services to the people within the City Limits. <br />With the current funding, the Department does not have a specific division to combat the distinct problems with <br />vehicle theft. As a general policy the Patrol Division, on a daily basis, strictly enforces the traffic and loitering <br />laws of the State to lessen the probability of crimes occurring. <br /> <br />MVOl (rev. 01/96) <br /> <br />4 <br />