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<br />Each investigation conducted pursuant to this contract will be called a " Unit" <br />of work and each Unit shall consist of ten (10) man-hours. Of the ten man-hours <br />included in each Unit, eight hours (four for each officer) shall be dedicated to on-site <br />investigation, and two hours (one for each officer) shall be allowed for preparation, <br />travel, and report writing. For each Unit the total consideration shall include the unit <br />clerical cost, the hourly overtime rate for officers multiplied by ten, and, if applicable, <br />one hour of supervisory overtime. The overtime rates shall be as established in the <br />attached Affidavit of Costs. As stated in the Affidavit of Costs, these overtime rates <br />are inclusive of benefits, payroll taxes and other mandatory payroll deductions. <br />Extraordinary clerical costs may be reimbursed, but shall be paid based on overtime <br />hours actually worked by clerical staff. Other fixed costs, such as for training, <br />supplies and evidence shall be set forth separately on the Cost Summary and will <br />be reimbursed if supported by appropriate documentation. <br />The consideration per Unit for this contract will be _$453.44_(unit clerical <br />cost, hourly overtime rate times ten, and, if applicable, one hour of supervisory <br />overtime cost). The total consideration for the contract will also include any other <br />fixed costs as set forth in the Contract Cost Summary and supported by appropriate <br />documentation. <br />The total number of SPTE investigations (Units) to be conducted pursuant to <br />this contract shall be _62_. <br /> <br />SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br /> <br />1. ADVERTISING I MEDIA INFORMATION: The CONTRACTOR agrees to <br />prior coordination with DABT of any advertising or media contact. <br /> <br />2. PROPRIETARY INTEREST: Anything, by whatsoever designation it may <br />be known, that is produced, created, reviewed, developed, or implemented in <br />connection with this contract shall remain the exclusive property of DABT and may <br />not be .copyrighted, patented, trademarked or otherwise restricted pursuant to state <br />or federal law or regulation. Neither the CONTRACTOR nor any other organization <br />or individual employed under this contract shall have any proprietary interest in any <br />product, system or program produced, created, reviewed, developed, implemented, <br />or delivered pursuant to this contract. <br /> <br />3. SERVICES: The CONTRACTOR shall perform and render as an <br />independent contractor and not as an agent, r~presentative, or employee of DABT, <br />all the services described herein in a proper and satisfactory manner as determined <br />by DABT in its reasonable sole discretion. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />SUNNY ISLES BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />CONTRACT # 00-00261-00 <br />Page 2 of9 <br />