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UU/1H/ZUU1 12:U7 FAX 8544331111 LUKES' LANDSCAPING, INC. <br />191 UU5 <br />CITY OF AVENTURA <br />This is not an order <br />BID No. 98-8- -2 <br />PAGE No. 11 <br />PARKS/MEDIANS/RIGHT-OF-WAY MAINTENANCE <br />SPECIFICATIONS <br />BONDING REQUIREMENTS: <br />The bidder, in submitting this bid, must include a 5% bid bond for the total cost of the bid. <br />Such bond may be in the form of a certified or cashier's check or approved bid bond in the <br />amount of 5% of the total amount of the bid based on a two (2) year cost. <br />PERFORMANCE & PAYMENT BONDS, <br />The City of Aventura shall require the successful bidder to furnish performance and <br />payment bonds, each in the amount of 100% of the total bid price, with the City of Aventura <br />as the obligee, as security for the faithful performance of the contract and for the payment <br />of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection herewith. The bonds <br />shall be with a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Florida_ Should the <br />City decide to suspend or discontinue this requirement, the successful bidder shall deduct <br />all premiums for said bonds for the affected contract period. <br />PRE -BID CONFERENCE - SITE VISITS: <br />It is mandatory that all bidders attend a pre -bid conference and tour of all areas contained <br />in the specifications. Bids will not be accepted from bidders who did not attend the pre -bid <br />conference. No pleas of ignorance by the bidder of conditions that exist, or that may <br />hereinafter exist as a result of failure to make the necessary examinations or investigations <br />or failure to fulfill in every detail the requirements of the contract documents, will be <br />accepted as basis for varying the requirements of the City of Aventura or the compensation <br />of the vendor. <br />The pre -bid conference and tour will take place on <br />STARTING AT 10:00 A.M. STEP OFF LOCATION IS AT GOVERNMENT CENTER <br />LOCATED AT 2999 N.E. 191 STREET, SUITE 500, AVENTURA, FLORIDA 33180. Please <br />call (305) 466-8900 for further information. <br />BIDDERS NAME -Luke Facarazzo <br />COMPANY NAME-Lukes' Landscaping, Inc. <br />