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<br />.~ <br /> <br />I. 1 i,,' 1. 0:-- '.' ': .:. :. <br /> <br />.:. "1'" i: ~ ~ <br /> <br />" .: <br />-..'. <br /> <br /> <br />~~~ 19610 PlI. 337 <br /> <br />COVE:'tAST <br /> <br /> <br />THISAOREE~(ENTenleredinIOlhe It' dayof ". ".. I L, 2000, byandbel.....een De.en <br /> <br /> <br />Inn D~:Ich" Tennis Club Condominium Associalion, a non-prolic corporalion organized in che Slate <br /> <br />ot'Florida and ill principal office all720 I Collins A..'enue, Dade County, Florida. hereinafter <br /> <br />referred 10 as "OWSERS" and che City orSunn)'lsles Beach. hereinafter referred 10 as the "CITY", <br /> <br />WITh'ESSETH. <br />WHEREAS. the OWNERS are fee simple tille owners of' the follOwing described property, <br />lying, being and situation in Dade County, Florida, co wit: <br /> <br />See atcached Exhibit "A" <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, Cor good and valuable consideracion., the patties have agreed as <br /> <br />Collows; <br /> <br />I. ThaI the OWNERS agree 10 dedicate and pro\idc to the public as a beach access <br />che South .5 reec ofche pan:elland described in the attached Exhibit "A", Said pedestrian access shall <br />be maintained by the OWNERS as to allow public pedestrian access from Collins Avenue to the <br /> <br />Atlantic Ocean. <br /> <br />2, Thallhis agreement on the part of the OWNERS shall constitute a covenant running <br /> <br />wilh the land and wiD be recorded in che public records ofOadc County, Florida, and shall remain in <br /> <br />full force and efl'ect and be binding upon che heirs, successors, and assigns of the respective panics <br /> <br />hcreco, until such time as the same is modified, amended or released in writing by the City Manaser <br /> <br />or h1s1her assignee. <br /> <br />, <br />3. Enforcement Sball bo by action against any parties or person violating or attempting <br /> <br />to violate any covenant. Tho prevailing party in any action or suit penaJning to or arising out ofchis <br /> <br />rtkt" ill J, 1. <br /> <br />/(tJ se;ytN 'f;NeltJM h1. <br />S~ 1; ,sa) II d ,t:'L 4;,,;. HI" IJ'..{ <br /> <br />\7 <br /> <br />3'3/6""" <br /> <br />-. <br /> <br />t. <br /> <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />......- <br />..~ <br /> <br />