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<br />ARTICLE 2 <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />2,1 ARTIST shall perfonn all Work identified in this Agreement and Exhibit A for the design, pennitting, <br />fabrication, transportation, and installation of the Project. <br /> <br />2.2 ARTIST acknowledges that the project will be located at the Oceanfront Park in a marine environment The <br />Artist shall use the bronze alloy called "Evedur" Silicon Bronze as the material for the project. <br /> <br />2.3 ARTIST shall provide monthly progress reports and/or deliverables in a manner acceptable to the Contract <br />Administrator. <br /> <br />2.4 Prior to installation of the Project, the ARTIST shall furnish the Contract Administrator with professional <br />photographic documentation showing the completed Work. Photographs shall include the following: <br /> <br />I. Two (2) identical sets of twelve 35mm color slides illustrating various aspects of the artwork within the <br />site. <br /> <br />2, Two 4x5 color transparencies. <br /> <br />3. Four 8xlO black and white photographs, <br /> <br />Slides and photographs shall be of acceptable professional quality as detennined by the Contract Administrator. <br /> <br />In addition to the photographic documentation referenced above, ARTIST shall also provide Contract <br />Administrator with any and all sketches, drawings, construction documents (if applicable), and as-built plans (if <br />applicable) showing the completed Work. <br /> <br />2.5 Upon completion of the Project, ARTIST shall provide Contract Administrator with a detailed written schedule <br />and instructions for the routine care, maintenance, and preservation specific to the Project, as set forth in Exhibit <br />C, Cataloguing Fonn, attached and made a part hereof. <br /> <br />2.6 ARTIST shall be responsible for the quality and timely completion of the Project. The ARTIST shall be <br />responsible for designing the artwork so that it can be constructed without exceeding the approved overall <br />budget. <br /> <br />2,7 ARTIST agrees that all Work shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, Miami-Dade County, and City of <br />Sunny Isles Beach laws, ordinances, codes and regulations. ARTIST shall be solely responsible for obtaining <br />any required approvals and penn its for the Project, although ARTIST shall not be required to pay fees charged <br />by the City for such approvals and penn its. <br /> <br />2.8 The ARTIST shall not make any public infonnation release in connection with the Project and/or the Work <br />perfonned pursuant to this Agreement without the prior written pennission of the Contract Administrator. <br /> <br />2,9 The ARTIST shall take all necessary steps to coordinate the Work with any ongoing work of the CITY, or any <br />third party under the direction and control of the City, on or near the Site. <br /> <br />2,10 While ARTIST is solely responsible for the execution, fabrication, transportation, inspection and/or installation <br />of the Project, the following provisions shall apply: <br /> <br />a. The Contract Administrator shall notify ARTIST of the CITY's, or any other contractor's under the <br />direction and control of the CITY, construction schedules in and around the area where the Work is to be <br />perfonned or installed, if they are known by the CITY. The ARTIST shall perfonn the Work in a <br />manner and time so as not to cause interference with any of the operations of the CITY or such third <br />party contractor. In the event of conflict between the schedules of a third party contractor, CITY, and <br />