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<br />"Application" means the process described in these rules to make a formal request for Funding <br />Allocation which remains open until the execution of a Grant Agreement or lnterlocal Agreement, <br />as the case may be, or a decision by the County not to provide a Total Funding Allocation. <br /> <br />"Application Submission Period" means the formally announced period of time for the <br />submission of a Funding Application Package in a given Funding Cycle. <br /> <br />"Board of County Commissioners" or "Board" means the legislative and the governing body of <br />the County. <br /> <br />"Community-Based Organization (CBO)" shall refer to any not-for-profit 501(c)(3) agency, <br />group, organization, society, association, partnership or individual whose primary purpose is to <br />provide a community service designed to improve or enhance the well-being of the community of <br />Miami-Dade County at large or to improve or enhance the well-being of certain individuals within <br />this community who have special needs. <br /> <br />"County" means Miami-Dade County, Florida. <br /> <br />"County Manager" or "Manager" means the head of the administrative branch of the County <br />government or hislher designated representative. <br /> <br />"Development" means the act of physically improving an area, facility, resource or site to increase <br />its ability or capacity to serve the public. <br /> <br />"Designated Projects" means the specific Projects approved by the Board in the Ordinance and the <br />electors on November 2, 2004 for inclusion in the BBC GOB Program. <br /> <br />"Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment (FF&E)" means 1) Fixtures - items that are permanently <br />affixed to the building or property, i.e., doors, bathroom stalls, AlC units, etc.; 2) Furniture - indoor <br />furnishings needed to allow proper use of a building, i.e., desks, chairs, tables, workstations, etc.; <br />and 3) Equipment - non-consumable tangible property with a life of at least one year that is directly <br />related to the funded project, such as bleachers for courts, audio/visual equipment for community <br />rooms, computers for computer labs, portable basketball goals for gymnasiums, etc. <br /> <br />"Fund Projects" means the specific Projects approved by the County pursuant to these <br />administrative rules for a Funding Allocation from one of the Funds. <br /> <br />"Funds" means any and/or all of the following four funds included in the BBC GOB Program to <br />address grant requests for Fund Projects: the Economic Development Fund, the Historical <br />Preservation Fund, the Not-for-Profit Community Organization Capital Fund and the Primary <br />Healthcare Facilities Fund. <br /> <br />"Funding Cycle Allocation" means Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond funds <br />approved by the Board in a given year for use by a Recipient for implementation of a Project <br />pursuant to these administrative rules. <br /> <br />"Funding Allocation" means (i) the total amount of Building Better Communities General <br />Obligation Bond funds approved by the Board on July 20, 2004 for use by a Recipient for a specific <br /> <br />Building Better Communities Administrative Rules <br /> <br />30f22 <br />