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<br />the Subject Site pursuant to City Resolution No. 2005-809, adopted on July 15, 2005, <br />and City Resolution No: 2006-879, adopted on January 19, 2006; and <br />WHEREAS, the School Board at its March 17, 2004 and September 7, 2005 <br />meetings authorized the Superintendent to pursue an Interlocal Agreement with the City <br />and approved acquisition of the Subject Site respectively; and <br />WHEREAS, at a public meeting held on January 18, 2006, the School Board <br />authorized the Superintendent or his designee to initiate eminent domain proceedings to <br />acquire the Subject Site and authorized an amendment to the School Board's Five-Year <br />Capital Plan to increase funding from the current allocation for acquisition of the Subject <br />Site; and <br />WHEREAS, the parties to this Interlocal Agreement have expressed a desire to <br />enter into this Agreement in order to construct a public school for the benefit of the <br />residents of the City and the general public and to provide a framework for the <br />development and construction of the proposed school; and <br />WHEREAS, the School Board and the City have determined that it is necessary <br />and appropriate to enter into this Agreement to clarify various obligations for future <br />cooperation between the School Board and the City related to acquisition, financing, <br />and operation of the school; and <br />WHEREAS, the School Board, and the City have determined that it shall serve <br />the public interest to enter into this Agreement and the School Board shall secure the <br />Subject Site for the purpose of providing a public school for the benefit of the residents <br />of the City and the general public. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions, promises and <br /> <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />