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September 1 a. 2008 8t <br />6:30 p.m.. to consider the following loning application <br />A. 488 SlIlny Isles,lnc <br />location: 488 Sunny Isles Boulevard <br />Public Hearing I: Z2007.02 <br />Summary: The AppliCant is seeking site plan approvallOf a Mixed-Use waterfront reSidential <br />development consisting of a 16.unit coodominh.m tower with ground floor <br />relall. The Applicant is requesting the lollowino variances. 1) Elimination 01 <br />the penthouse-from. tower settlack requirement; aoo 2) MinimLnl 101 width <br />requirement il additiOfl. Ule Applicant is requesting transfer 01 development <br />rights in the amount of 4 dwelling units and 13,143 square feel <br />1. PursuantloSection 265-18 of the City of Sumy Isles 8each land Development Regulations, <br />the Applicant is requesting a site plan approval for a Mixed-Use waterfront residential <br />development consisting 01 a 16.unit condominiun tower with grWld floor retail <br />2. PInla'It!l:l Section 265-37 of the City of SLmy ISleS Beach land Development Revulatiolls, <br />the AppIM3ll is re(JJeSting a va1<V"ICe from the re<Jirements "Sanma-y Cha't 8 Town Center <br />SlJ)-OIstrict Boilang Massing by Street-Type" 10 reOJce the penlOOJSe-from-tower setback <br />from 20 feel in !he trcnt and sides and 10 feet in the reat 100 feet <br />3. F'tnlwlt!l:l Section 26S-37~8), the AppIica1t is requesting a vari<m:e from the minilTllJTllot <br />width rtllPremerrts!l:l reOJce the lot width from the reQUired 100 leet to 97.5 feel. <br />4. Pursuant 10 Section 265-23 of the Cityol Sumy Isles 8each land Development RegtJalions, <br />the Applicant is reQuesting a transfer 01 13,143 SQl..I3re leet and 4 dwelling ~ts 01 <br />development ri~ts from the Fort Apache Marina liC a sub. bank of Tract '8' Porto 8ell3Oio <br />8ank. An ~ustment shall be made lor a decrease ot 13,143 sq.Jare feet and 12 Urlits from <br />the sub-bank of FCI1Apache Marina liC. <br />Plans are on Iile and may be examined in the P1a-lIling and Zoning Department lor 488 Sunny <br />ISles. Inc. (the AppliCant), entitled "488 Sunny Isles" a/kJa 500 Sumy Isles, plans entitled <br />"Boundary Survey" prepared by Fortin, leavy, Sk~es, Inc., date stamped 09-26-06 consisting <br />01 one Sheel Md plans entitled, including cover Sheet "Rendeflng AD.Ol" "Rendering AQ,02" <br />"North Elevalim AQ,OJ" "South Elevation AO,Q4" "West Elevation M,OS" "Project Data Sheet <br />A1.00" "Are Oepl.Staging Area A1.01" "FAR. DiagrlWTl A1.02" "Open Space DiagrlWTl Al,OJ" <br />"Site Plan A2,CO" "level 100 A2.Ot" "level 100 A2,Ola" "level 100 A2,01b" "Ground Floor <br />lobby A2.02" "level 200 A2.Q4" "level300A2.0S" "leveI400A2.06" 'level SOOA2.07" "level <br />600-800 A2.08" "level 90(). 1800 A2.09" "Mechanical Roof Plan A2.10" "North E1evaliCNl M.OO" <br />"South Elevation MOl" "East Elevatioo M.02" " 'West Elevation M.03" "Site Sectioo AS.oo" <br />"Section Details!Pedestrian Pathways ASOI" "Art in Plillic Places AS.02" prepared by KobI <br />Karp ArChitects, Architecture Interior DeSiQn P1aming, stamped revised 12-07.07 consisting 01 <br />29 sheets and plans entitled "Signing & Pavement Markings Ground level $P-l" "SiQning & <br />Pavement Markings level200$P-2" "SignillQ & Pavement Markings level 300 SP.3" "Sigling & <br />Pavement MarkinQs level 400 SP-4" prepared by Mar~n Engineering, dated 01-1S.07 consisting <br />of 4 sheets, and plans entitled, induding cover sheet "Site and Paving Plan C" 1" "Site m Paving <br />Details C.2" "OveraU Grading and Drainage Plan C-3" "Grading and DrainalJE! P1iJ1 C.4" "Storm <br />Drainage Details C-S" "Sediment Tank and DrainalJE! Well No I Details C.6" "Saflitafy Sewer <br />Collection System Notes C-7" "Site Utilities Plan C-8" "Water Details C-g" prepared by V.S.N <br />EngineerillQ, Inc., Ovil Engineers signed 01.1 t.07 CCWlsisting 0110 Sheets. and plans entitled <br />"Sile Plan-Optim 'l-luminaire Schedule El-00" "Site Plan Opborl '2.luminaire Schedule <br />El,OOA," prepared by Franyie Engineers, k\C" laSt revislm 08-15-07 cCI1SistinQ 012 sheet, and <br />"landscape PIan.Option 12l-'" "lMdscape P1M-Option Ill-I" "Roof landscape Plan Ustl-2" <br />"Planting Details l-J" prepa-ed by Witkin Design Group, landscape Architect~e and Ptalllling, <br />dated 12-29.06 consiSting 01 4 sheets" PlanS may De modified at pltllic hearing <br />legal: <br />lot 23 and ISland No, 23, of secOND REVlSEO PlAT OF BEUA VISTA SU8DMSlON, <br />according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book SO, at Page 76. of the PI.ilHc <br />Recurds 01 Miami.Dade County, Florida, less that portion of lot 23, beillQ more <br />patictJaI1y described as follows <br />BeQin al the northeast corner of said lot 23: thence run South 130'3'JS"West along the <br />Easter1y line of said lot 23 a dslMCe 018.231eel to a point of intersection with a circular <br />curve concave 10 \he Northeast, having a radius of 118.SO leet and a tangent beating <br />01 north 52"42'42" West: thence run Northwesterly along said Circular curve Ihratq'l a <br />central angle of 0]017'51" lor an arc distance 0115,09 feet thence Sooth 82-00'25" <br />East along the North line 01 said lol 2J a distance of 13.40 leet !I:l the Point of BegiMing <br />Wa 488 Surwly Isles Boulevard, Miami, Fl J3160 <br />Size of Property: 0.5OJ acres (0.403 ac. ~Iand: 0.100 ac. SubmerQed) <br />lone: Town Center District-Sooth Edge (TCD) <br />All ~ ,..lnvltMto Ilp9Mr Ifthls-Ung 01" be ......nttd by an agent, 01" tonprea thllrYlews <br />In wrttlnQ IIknaed m the City Clerk, CIty uI Sunny Isles BeaeIl, lllO7l1 CoDlns Awooe, Sunny ilia <br />hit'" Florida, 33'UII. The oourtl bIve ruled ....1 It III""roper to eonbc1 I City Comrnlalon member <br />IndlvIduIlty,llt!wtor-ellyorlnwr1t1l1QllloullnyzonlnalppJleItlOna.Mlpallldotherdltlpertllnlngto <br />thne Ipplleltlone 1.._lIbll lor public Inspection during IIOnf\II bulinII. hours In City Hilt Arr, zooIng <br />hurlng mty be contllll*llt this rme1Ing Ind UIlder .uch clrcUINtlIncn, IddltlonllllGll nota would <br />notbeprovlded..Arr,~s"h1ngtD tplIlk,tl public: hell1ng.hould regillefwtlh the City Clerll prior <br />tothltltlmbelnghllnllnquhiHnIII.-dIngtheltlmmtybedlr8ct.d>>theClty'sPllhnlng.,dlonlng <br />Deplrtlnlnt 11 ~ 792-1no. Plel.. refer to III. hllrtng nLllftl. when meldng In inquiry. "I plInt1n <br />dec:ldn to lIpJlIIl lilY dec:!l1on by the CIty CommIlIIon wlth ..aped: to eny mettlr COnIldltrecl.t weh <br />IfIN1Ing 01" _rtng, III.,. will....... record of the procetdlnge Ind, tor such PWPO",II\IY need III Insw. <br />thIt I wrbIllm rICOI'd DI the proeeedlngs Ie mede. which rweonllneludee 11I1 lHtlmony end IVIdtnee <br />upon Mtlch tIlIlppIIl II to be biNd. ThI. notice doe. not constitute ~nt by the City lor Introduction <br />or admI.sIon of otherwl..lnldml111b1e Of Irrelewnt noIdenee, nor doll 11 authorlll chllllnge. or IPpllll. <br />nol otherwt..erlowld by II. In Icc(lflllnee wttIl till ArMrIcIns wtth OIl1blltlln Act, I. perIOns wno IrI <br />dillbledlndwho~'pec:"IDCeOlMll:MbllonslDplrtk:lplllln1hl.moet1ngbeelullof1hlIdlllblftty <br />should eonbc11h1 CIty MI~.t 305--792-1701,no IIll1r....n 48 houni prtorto the proeeedlllQ; It helrlng <br />lmpllred, Ill- tllephollllhl TOO 1111I11 30&-792.1590 tor 11111111lC1. <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />~' <br />5 <br />J <br />. <br />> <br />M <br />> <br />li <br />." <br />. <br />.. <br />. <br />~ <br />(; <br />C <br />'" <br />~ <br />~ <br />o <br />>- <br />.,; <br />~ <br />u <br />'6 <br />.E <br />. <br />0> <br />M <br />0. <br />~ <br />~ <br />." <br />. <br />;; <br />c <br />o <br />." <br />~ <br />:I: <br />.~ <br />:i <br />. <br />s; <br />.. <br />.E <br />." <br />CO~ <br />e~ <br />ell" <br />N-g <br />t:::~ <br />e~ <br />-';; <br />(7)g <br />e~ <br />;; <br />. <br />Qi~ <br />-.= <br />C'I:I g <br />c~ <br />S:::il <br />o~ <br />.- ~ <br />_0. <br />C'I:I.!! <br />og <br />.- i <br />:C~ <br />:Jw <br />a..~ <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br /> <br />'" <br />o <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />e <br />~ <br />,: <br />'" <br />C> <br />Z <br />~ <br /> <br />c <br />g <br />% <br />;;: <br />:$ <br />x <br />... <br />i: <br /> <br />! <br />." <br />z <br />E <br />8 <br />.,; <br />~ <br />:I: <br />~ <br />i' <br /> <br />> <br /><{ <br /> <br />~r:.m!I <br /> <br />....Ul(....N tlflt.- un'HlU U.IOH <br />ornO"IOA <br /> <br />In the United States, our rights are guaranteed by the Constitution. <br />Yet our government often treats them as optional. By joining the ACLU. <br />you can help defend everyone's rights. Take a stand to protect our <br />civil liberties. Find out more at <br />