<br />6. CONSIDERATION. The parties agree that Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph (5) at a cost of ~
<br />and Data Plans: 20% discount off Monthly Service Charees on olans found at the Proeram website
<br />(www.clneular.comlcda): Eauioment: 50% discount off National Contract Reference Price listed at the oroeram website
<br />(www.c1neular.comlcda) with a limited selection of basic ohones at no cost: Accessories: 20% discount with the total
<br />Contract or instalhnents payable: Monthly uoon recelot of vendor statement not to exceed $ The State does not
<br />agree to reimburse Contractor for expenses unless otherwise specified in the incorporated attachments. Tbe contractual
<br />authority. as Identified by the not to exceed amount. does not obli~ate the State of Nevada to expend funds or ourchase
<br />eoods or services uo to that amount: the Durchase amount win be controlled by the indJvjdual uslne Beeney's Durchase
<br />orders or other authorized means of reauisltion for services and/or eoods as submitted to and accepted by the contractor.
<br />Any intervening end to a biennial appropriation period shall be deemed an automatic renewal (not changing the overall Contract
<br />term) or a termination as the results oflegislative appropriation may require.
<br />7. ASSENT. The parties agree that the terms and conditions listed on incorporated attachments of this Contract are also
<br />specifically a part of this Contract and are limited only by their respective order of precedence and any limitations specified.
<br />8. TIMELINESS OF BILLING SUBMISSION. The parties agree that timeliness of billing is of the essence to the contract and
<br />recognize that the State is on a fiscal year. All billings for dates of service prior to July I must be submitted to the State no later
<br />that the first Friday in August of the same year. A billing submitted after the first Friday in August, which forces the State to
<br />process the billing as a stale claim pursuant to NRS 353.097, will subject the Contractor to an administrative fee not to exceed
<br />$100.00. The parties hereby agree this is a reasonable estimate of the additional costs to the State of processing the billing as a
<br />stale claim and that this amount will be deducted from the stale claim payment due to the Contractor.
<br />a. Books and Records. Contractor agrees to keep and maintain under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) full,
<br />true and complete records, contracts, books, and docwnents as are necessary to fully disclose to the State or United States
<br />Govenunent, or their authorized representatives, upon audits or reviews, sufficient information to determine compliance with
<br />all state and federal regulations and statutes.
<br />b. Inspection & Audit. Contractor agrees that the relevant books, records (written, electronic, computer related or otherwise),
<br />including, without limitation, relevant accounting procedures and practices of Contractor or its subcontractors, financial
<br />statements and supporting docwnentation, and documentation related to the work product shall be subject, at any reasonable
<br />time, to inspection, examination, review, audit, and copying at any office or location of Contractor where such records may be
<br />found, with or without notice by the State Auditor, the relevant state agency or its contracted examiners, the Department of
<br />Administration, Budget Division, the Nevada State Attorney General's Office or its Fraud Control Units, the State Legislative
<br />Auditor, and with regard to any federal funding, the relevant federal agency, the Comptroller General, the General Accounting
<br />Office, the Office of the Inspector General, or any of their authorized representatives. All subcontracts shall reflect re-
<br />quirements of this paragraph.
<br />c. Period of Retention. All books, records, reports, and statements relevant to this Contract must be retained a minimwn three
<br />years and for five years if any federal funds are used in the Contract. The retention period runs from the date of payment for
<br />the relevant goods or services by the State, or from the date of termination of the Contract, whichever is later. Retention time
<br />shall be extended when an audit is scheduled or in progress for a period reasonably necessary to complete an audit and/or to
<br />complete any administrative and judicial litigation which may ensue.
<br />a. Termination Without Cause. Any discretionary or vested right of renewal notwithstanding, this Contract may be
<br />terminated upon written notice by mutual consent of both parties or unilaterally by either party without cause.
<br />b. State Termination for Nonaoorooriation. The continuation of this Contract beyond the current biennium is subject to and
<br />contingent upon sufficient funds being appropriated, budgeted, and otherwise made available by the State Legislature and/or
<br />federal sources. The State may terminate this Contract, and Contractor waives any and all c1aim(s) for damages, effective
<br />immediately upon receipt of written notice (or any date specified therein) iffor any reason the Contracting Agency's funding
<br />from State and/or federal sources is not appropriated or is withdrawn, limited, or impaired.
<br />c. Cause Termination for Default or Breach. A default or breach may be declared with or without termination. This Contract
<br />may be terminated by either party upon written notice of default or breach to the other party as follows:
<br />i. If Contractor fails to provide or satisfactorily perform any of the conditions, work, deliverables, goods, or services called
<br />for by this Contract within the time requirements specified in this Contract or within any granted extension of those time
<br />requirements; or
<br />ii. Ifany state, county, city or federal license, authorization, waiver, permit, qualification or certification required by statute,
<br />ordinance, law, or regulation to be held by Contractor to provide the goods or services required by this Contract is for any
<br />reason denied, revoked, debarred, excluded, terminated, suspended, lapsed, or not renewed; or
<br />
<br />Appro~ 05/08/02
<br />Revised O8IVJ
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<br />Page 2 0[8
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