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<br />or scope of a use or activity previously permitted, or has violated the telms of prior <br />permits issued to or on behalf of the applicant; <br />(13) The applicant for permit is not fully completed and executed; <br />(14) The applicant, or the person on whose behalf the applicant for permit was <br />made, has on prior occasion damaged city property and has not paid in full for such <br />damage. <br />(15) A state of federal, state or local emergency has been declared by lawful <br />authority for the proposed time. <br /> <br />(d) Conditions. Permits shall set fOlih conditions reasonably necessary for the <br />protection of the rights, property and personal safety based on the criteria set forth in this <br />Code. Failure to substantially fulfill the conditions set forth in such permit shall render <br />such permit null and void. <br /> <br />(e) Compliance; possession of perm it. <br />(1) A permittee shall comply with all applicable laws and sections of this Code and <br />other ordinances. <br />(2) The assembly chair or other person heading or leading the assembly shall carry <br />the assembly permit personally, and be in possession thereof at all times, during the <br />conduct of the assembly. <br /> <br />(f) Compliance with conditions. By applying for and being granted such permit, the <br />applicant shall assume responsibility for compliance with conditions on the face of the <br />permit. <br /> <br />(g) Notice of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. The Code Enforcement <br />and Licensing Department shall act upon the application for a permit, and give the <br />applicant notice of approval, approval with conditions, or denial, within three business <br />days after the filing of the application, except that if the applicant has celiified that the <br />assembly is of a spontaneous or urgent nature, within twenty-four (24) hours after the <br />filing the application. If the Code Enforcement and Licensing Department denies the <br />application such notice will state the reasons for denial of the permit. <br /> <br />(h) Fees. No fee shall be required for the issuance of an assembly permit. <br /> <br />(i) Appeal of denial. Any applicant shall have the right to appeal the denial of an <br />assembly permit to the City Manager. The appeal shall be filed with the City Manager <br />within two business days after the notice of denial is received. The City Manager, or <br />designee, shall act in writing upon the appeal within one day after the filing of the appeal, <br />except that if the applicant has certified that the assembly is of a spontaneous or urgent <br />nature, within four hours after the filing of the appeal. Any applicant aggrieved by the <br />decision of the city manager may seek immediate judicial review. <br /> <br />(j) Alternate date, time, location or route. The police chief shall be empowered to <br />authorize the conduct of the assembly on a date, at a time or over a route or location <br />different from that named by the applicant. An applicant may propose and provide for the <br /> <br />02006- Public Assemblage Permit Requirement <br /> <br />Page 4 of6 <br />