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<br />contributed to a beach trust fund established and administered by the City of <br />sunny Isles Beach up to a maximum additional 0.20 F.A.R. bonus. A system of <br />pedestrian walkways and shuttle bus facilities to provide oceanfront open space is <br />a public policy objective of the adopted City of Sunny Isles Comprehensive Plan. <br />a " participation unit" for the purpose of beach access enhancement bonus shall be <br />equal to $50,000 $35, 000 and may be adjusted from time to time by the City <br />Commission pursuant to a recommendation by the City Manager. Additionally, <br />the City Manager and/or his designee shall review the bonus participation unit <br />price set forth herein every two (2) years. If City Commission waives the <br />provision of an access easement for safety reasons as provided in Subsection D <br />(9)( c) [1] [a] above, the total beach access bonus achieved through trust fund <br />contributions shall not exceed 0.30. <br /> <br />[2] Public beach recreations enhancement bonus. The floor area ratio shall be <br />increased for developments that participate in the City's Beach Recreational <br />Enhancements Trust Fund as established and administered by the City for the <br />purposes of implementing oceanfront capital improvements. A bonus of 0.05 <br />increase in the F.A.R. shall be granted for each "participation unit" contributed to <br />the capital improvement fund designated for beach enhancements up to a <br />maximum additional 0.50 F.A.R. bonus. A " participation unit" for the purpose of <br />the beach recreational enhancement bonus shall be equal to $50,000 $35,000 and <br />may be adjusted from time to time by the City Commission pursuant to a <br />recommendation by the City Manager. Additionally, the City Manager and/or his <br />designee shall review the bonus participation unit price set forth herein every two <br />(2) years. <br /> <br />[3] Collins Avenue public streets cape enhancements bonus. The floor area ratio <br />shall be increased for developments that participate in the City's Collins A venue <br />Streetscape Enhancements Trust Fund as established and administered by the City <br />for the purposes of implementing capital improvements. Public streetscape <br />improvements and pedestrian system design and safety enhancements for Collins <br />Avenue are policy objectives of the adopted City of Sunny Isles Beach <br />Comprehensive Plan. A bonus of 0.05 increase in the F.A.R. shall be granted for <br />each "participation unit" contributed to the capital improvement fund designated <br />for beach enhancements up to a maximum additional 0.30 F.A.R. bonus. A <br />"pmiicipation unit" for the purpose of the Collins A venue streetscape <br />enhancement bonus shall be equal to $50,000 $35,000 and may be adjusted from <br />time to time by the City Commission pursuant to a recommendation by the City <br />Manager. Additionally, the City Manager and/or his designee shall review the <br />bonus participation unit price set fOlih herein every two (2) years. <br /> <br />[4]. Sunny Isles public parking bonus. The floor area ratio shall be increased for <br />developments that participate in the City's Beach Public Parking Trust Fund as <br />established and administered by the City for the purposes of implementing capital <br />improvements for public parking. Public parking resources, in particular, west of <br />Collins A venue, as a component of infrastructure improvements to facilitate <br />public access to the oceanfront, is a policy objective of the adopted City of Sunny <br />Isles Beach Comprehensive Plan. A bonus of 0.05 increase in the F.A.R. shall be <br />granted for each "pmiicipation unit" contributed to the capital improvement fund <br /> <br />02006- Bonus Participation Unit Increase, Amend Sec265-34,35,36 <br />Words underlined are added, words stHekoo are deleted. <br /> <br />Page 2 of4 <br />