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<br />(b) Single-family, duplex and townhouses: As required in the R-I and R-Th Districts <br />respectively. <br /> <br />(c) Minimum setbacks properties abutting Collins Avenue. <br /> <br />[1] Front: <br />(a) minimum of25 feet for properties providing 15 feet of colonnade <br /> <br />(b) minimum of 40 feet for properties not providing 15 feet of colonnade <br /> <br />[2] Rear: <br />A mInImum of 25 feet shall be required be between openings (store front, <br />windows, sliding glass doors in buildings, except for enclosed garage. Balconies <br />may encroach a maximum of 4 feet into the setback area. <br /> <br />[3] Side; <br />A minimum of 25 feet shall be required between openings (store front, windows, <br />sliding glass doors in buildings, except for enclosed garage. Balconies may <br />encroach a maxim of 4 feet into the setback area, <br /> <br />(5) Minimum Open space: 35% of the total lot area. Required open space shall be <br />unencumbered with any structure, parking or loading space and shall be landscaped and <br />improved for passive and active recreation including waterfront walkways, plazas, terraces, pools <br />and game courts. <br /> <br />(a) All properties abutting Collins Avenue shall provide a lO-foot easement within the <br />required front setback. The easement shall be dedicated to the Citv for the <br />implementation of the Collins A venue Streetscape Plan. The Citv shall use the easement <br />to increase the pedestrian walk paths, landscaping pm'poses, placement of utilitv wires <br />and anv other municipal purposes. <br /> <br />(6) Building separation on separate parcels abutting Collins Avenue. When there are two towers <br />located on different proper!;)', a minimum separation of 50 feet shall be maintained between <br />pedestals (50 feet or less in height) and a minimum separation of 100 feet shall be maintained <br />between towers (above 50 feet in height), <br /> <br />[11 When there are two or more towers on the same propertv, the building separation <br />shall be a minimum of 50 feet between towers. <br /> <br />[21 The maximum tower width shall be 200 feet. <br /> <br />(7) Maximum floor area ratio. The floor area ratio shall not exceed 2.0. Additional bonus floor <br />area ratio up to 2.5 may be allowed for waterfront developments that comply with Community <br />Design Element Policy ] E, Recreation and Open Space Element Policy I C and Coastal <br />Management Element Policies 3A and 3D of the City's Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />Amending Section 265-]4 ] ,1)1{ Relating tll Setback Rt'\.jllin:mmt~ <br />Page:\ Of(l <br />