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<br />(A) An aggricved party. including thc City. may appeal a linal ordcr ofa Special Master to <br />the circuit court. Such an appcaj shall not be a hearing de novo but shall be limitcd to appellate <br />review ofthc record created bcll)re the Special Master. An appeal shall be filed within thirty (3D) <br />calendar days of the issuance of the order sought to be overturncd. Failure to make such appeal <br />within the prescribed thirty (3D) day period shall render thc findings of the Special Master <br />conclusive, binding and final. <br /> <br />(8) Unlcss the t1ndings of the Spccial Master are ovcrturncd. said t1ndings ofthc Special <br />Master shall be admissible in any procceding to collect unpaid penalties. <br /> <br />(C) No aggrieved party other than the City may apply to the court for relief unless such party <br />has first exhaustcd the remedies providcd for in this Ordinance and has taken all available steps <br />provided in this Ordinance. It is the intention of the City that all steps provided by this Ordinance <br />shall bc taken before any application is madc to the court lor relief: and no application shall be <br />made by any aggricved party other than the City to a court for relief except li'om an order issued <br />by a Special Mastcr pursuant to this Chapter. It is the intcntion of the City that. notwithstanding <br />anything in this Ordinance to the contrary. thc City shall retain all rights and remedies otherwise <br />availablc to it to securc compliancc with or prevent violations of the Code. For purposes of an <br />appeal. the Clcrk shall make available. for public inspection and copying. the record upon which <br />each final order of a Special Master is bascd. The Clerk shall make a reasonable charge <br />commcnsurate with the cost for thc preparation of the official record on appeal and transmittal <br />thereof to the circuit court for making certified copies of any record or portion thercof. <br /> <br />Section 13. <br /> <br />Rehearin~. <br /> <br />Upon a filing ofa petition for re-hcaring by a Violator or by the City. a Special Master may <br />rehear a case: <br /> <br />(I) To take additional testimony or issue a new order. The petition must be liIed with <br />the City Clerk and must demonstrate that thcrc is ncwly discovered cvidence <br />which could not havc bccn discovered through the use of due diligence prior to <br />the original hcaring and which will probably change thc result if a re-hearing is <br />grantcd, or <br /> <br />(2) The Special Mastcr has overlookcd or failed to consider something that renders <br />the order issued crroneous. <br /> <br />Each petition for re-hearing must bc Iiled within tcn (ID) days of the filing of the last ordcr <br />issued in the case. <br /> <br />Section 14. <br /> <br />Recoverv of Unpaid Civil Penalties. Unpaid Penalties to Constitute a Lien: <br />Foreclosure. <br /> <br />(A) A certified copy of an order imposing a civil pcnalty shall bc recordcd in the public <br />records and thereafter shall constitute a lien against the property on which the violation cxists <br />and upon any other rcal or personal propcrty owned by the Violator; upon petition to the circuit <br />court. such order may be entorced in the same manner as a court judgment by the sheriffs of this <br /> <br />()rdilunCl .\mnldin,l: {:'l,k ]':nf"rrUlllnl, (:h.lpllr 1.1 1 () <br />