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<br />CODE ENFORCEI\1ENT <br />CIVIL PENALTIES AND MISCELANEOUS FEES SCHEDULE <br /> <br />8A-4(a) Failure to display or maintain proper motor vehiclc fuel S2DD.00 <br />pnce sIgn <br />8A-4(b) Failure to display or maintain motor vehicle fuel pricc S20D.DD <br />sign confonning to listed requircments <br />8A-4(c) Failure to display proper supplemcntal motor vchicle S2DD.00 <br />fuel price sign <br />8A-5 Price gouging during dcclared state of emcrgency S50D.DD <br />8A-6(a), (b) and (c) Disclosure requiremcnts for retail shutter sales S50D.OD <br /> Soliciting motor vehicle repair work within one <br />8A-7 thousand (I ,DDD) yards of Florida Motor Vehicle S500.0D <br />Inspection Station on publie road or public right-of- <br /> way <br />8A-8.3 Self-service merchandising of tobacco products S5DD.DD <br />8A-75 Violation of fair paekaging act S100.0D <br />8A--f{)ftt7- Failurc ofrctail e3tabli3hmcnHtHlisplay idcntification ~.~~ M <br />6!l-8oopping cal13 <br />8A--f{)fb) & (c) Failurc ofrctail c3tabli3hmcnt to post warning-ftt1tiees I~, ^^ "^ <br />6fl-Ctlrts or at clll~s- <br /> Fttihu'C of a rctail cstablishmcnt to rctric\ e shopping S I DO.DO per <br />8f,76.I(B) shopping <br />eafl-from Dcpartmcnt of Solid Wastc Maftllj,'etfleftt- <br /> ClIft- <br />8A-82.1 Violation of any tenn or condition of a written S50D.DD <br />assurance of compliance <br /> Selling, keeping, offering or exposing for salc, or <br />8A-85 disposing of any eommodity ordered off sale, marked, S50D.OD <br /> or tagged as provided <br />8A-86 Violation of the tenns ofa stop-use, stop-removal, or S5DD.DD <br />removal order <br />8A-93 Selling commodities by improper unit of measure SIOO.OD <br />8A-94 Improper packaging of commodities SlOD.DD <br />8A-95 Failure to include unit price on package SIOD.DD <br />8A-96 Misleading packaging S20D.OD <br />8A-97 Improper advcrtising of packaged commodities SIDD.DD <br />8A-98 Nonconfonnance with packaging and labeling S 1 00.00 <br />regulations promulgated by the Director <br /> <br />9 <br />