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<br />A +-I-'/"~.t j, '-",,0 ,,\..1. <br />~ t.l..."~ ~ I I ~ '- If ~ ~ <br /> <br />'\ P " <br /> <br /> <br />~emorandum __ <br /> <br />Agenda Item No. 12(B)1 <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />February 5, 2008 <br /> <br />To: <br /> <br />From: <br /> <br />Honorable Bruno A. Barreiro, Chairperson <br />and Members, Boa:~ Commlsslonsrs <br />George M. Burgess ~~ <br />County Manager _ ~ <br />Report on the Feasibility of Consolidating Municipal Elections <br /> <br />Subject: <br /> <br />This Information Is provided in response to Resolution R-1135-07 adopted by the Board of County <br />Commissioners on October 2, 2007, requesting the feaSibility and advisability of consolidating <br />municipal elections onto one day or conducting municipal elections In conjunction with countywide <br />elections. The Elections Department was charged with reviewing the current elections calendar and <br />Identifying whether the consolidation of municipal elections would result In a more efficient use of <br />public resources and higher voter participation. <br /> <br />This is a topic that the Supervisor of Elections had previously discussed with my staff as It was <br />believed that a consolidation was beneficial from both an operational standpoint as well as for the <br />voters of Miami-Dade County. Upon passage of R-1135-07, a more comprehensive review of this <br />Issue was undertaken, and It was found that the con.ol/datlon of munIcIpal electlona la both <br />feasIble and de.lrable. However, municipal charter amendments will be necessary in order to <br />move election dates, thus cooperation from each municipality will be necessary. <br /> <br />Backaround <br />Miami-Dade Is the only county In the State of Florida with an unconsolidated elections calendar, <br />Each of the County's 35 municipalities' election dates Is set by the municipality's charter without <br />Input from the County. Currently, their elections take place on varIous dates throughout both even <br />and odd years. There are only a handful of municipalities that share the same date. Other counties <br />require municipalities to hold their elections In conjunction with each other. For example, Broward <br />County's municipal elections are consolidated and held on the same day In either February or March <br />in odd years and in March In even years. Palm Beach County's municipal elections are consolidated <br />and held on the same day In March in odd years with no municipal elections In even years. In vast <br />comparison, the Miami-Dade Elections Department conducts approximately 30 elections per year. In <br />2007, July was the only month In which an election did not take place. <br /> <br />Consolidating municipal elections In Miami-Dade County Is both feasible and desirable, and can be <br />accomplished In two ways - consolidating onto one day not In conjunction with a countywide election <br />or consolidating In conjunction with a countywide election. Both scenarios will result In a cost <br />savings to the municipality for services provided by the Elections Department and a cost savings to <br />the County for Elections personnel. Of most Importance Is the Increased voter participation that will <br />be realized, which Is a direct benefit to both the municipalities and the County. It Is too common that <br />Important local Issues are decided upon by a small minority of the electorate. Even If the municipal <br />races or Issues are Impacted as a result of their placement towards the end of the ballot, the number <br />of voters deciding an Issue will be significantly higher than In "stand-alone" elections. <br /> <br />There are three scenarios for conducting a municipal election: <br /> <br />Option 1: Stand-alone election <br />In this option, the election date Is unique to the municipality. The costs Incurred by each muniCipality <br />to hold a stand-alone election are the actual costs Incurred by the Elections Department. One <br />hundred percent of the costs associated with election-related services such as ballot programming, <br /> <br />/ <br />