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Learn <br />skills to work in hospitals and nursing <br />homes; 9 a.m. to 2 p,m. Monday-Fri- <br />day; Florida Educational Institute. <br />160 NW 1761h 51., Suite 202. Miami; <br />free. 305.751-0001 or <br />Museum of Contemporary Art <br />(MOCA): 770 NE 12Sth 51. Joan Leh- <br />man Building, North Miami. <br />305.893.6211. exl. 25 or <br /> <br />. After-School Studio Drawing <br />Classes: Offered every Friday for <br />teens ages 13.18. Includes the study <br />of drawing styles of renowned artists <br />using a variety of media. All art <br />materials provided: 4.6:30 p.m. Fri- <br />day; free. <br />. Junior Docents: After-school pro- <br />gram for teens in which they learn <br />about contemporary art, develop <br />writing, public speaking and graphic <br />design skills, assist at special events, <br />give tours ilnd produce MOCA'zine, <br />the museum's acclaimed arts journal <br />written by and for teens; 4:30-6 p.m. <br />Wednesday: free. <br />Music for Youth: learn guitar, piano, <br />percussion, vocals, flute, oboe, clari- <br />net, bassoon, horn, trumpet. trom- <br />bone, tuba, saxophone, violin, viola, <br />cello and bass. For ages 6-12: 3:45- <br />5:15 p.m. Monday and Wednesday; <br />SoBe Music Institute. 2100 Washing- <br />ton Ave., Miami Beach; $475-$950 <br />per 17-week semester, <br />305-674-9220 or www.mystery <br /> <br />Orchid Camp: Includes a series of <br />two-hour classes on the care and <br />feeding of orchids and how to use <br />blooming orchids in floral arrange- <br />ments and prepare orchids for exhi- <br />bition at shows; 1.3 p.m. Sunday; R.F. <br />Orchids, 28100 SW 182nd Ave., <br />Homestead; $15, 305.24S.4S70 or <br /> <br />Parents WIthout Partners: Activities <br />tor single parent families including <br />dances on Saturday nights and <br />classes: 12256 SW 128th St.. Miami; <br />$10 donation for nonmembers. <br />305.251.2819, <br />Penny Sugarman Sans Soud Tennis <br />Center: 1795 Sans SoUC! Blvd., North <br />Miami. 305.893.7130: <br />. Advanced Junior Drill: Advanced <br />drill lessons for children who want to <br />be prepared for tournaments; 5.6:30 <br />p.m. Tuesday and Thursday; $27- <br />$240, <br />. After School Tennis: Tennis les. <br />sons for children 7-14 years; 4:30- <br />5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday: S27-$240. <br />. City Morning Jr. Clinic: For chil. <br />dren at beginning, advanced-begin- <br />ning and intermediate level: 11:30 <br /> <br />'0 <br />~ <br />m <br />.. <br />. <br />~ <br />~ <br />. <br />E <br />~ <br />.. <br />l! <br />o <br />~ <br />m <br />i <br />> <br />'t: <br />m <br />... <br />~ <br />~ <br />(; <br />~ <br />.. <br />~ <br />~ <br />o <br />>- <br />'l! <br />1;; <br />u <br />'6 <br />E <br />m <br />'" <br />. <br />a. <br />... <br />~ <br />. <br />m <br />1;; <br />... <br />m <br />,; <br />~ <br />o <br />... <br />i! <br />m <br />:I: <br />~ <br />i <br />m <br />.<: <br />... <br />E <br />... <br />(7)~ <br />OK <br />Oii <br />Nil <br />Ci)~ <br />!:2Ji <br />Mg <br />o.g <br />~ <br />aP <br />-~ <br />C'I:Ig <br />C~ <br />.. <br />S::'ll <br />0:2 <br />"_ f <br />_a. <br />C'I:I.!! <br />ug <br />-- -; <br />:E~ <br />:::JUJ <br />a..~ <br /> <br />"TURN TO CALENDAR, 36 <br /> <br /> <br />CITY OF SUNNY ISLES BEACH <br />NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING <br /> <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the City of Sunny <br />Isles Beach, Rorida, will hold a public hearing in the Sunny ~Ies Beach <br />Government Center, DaYid P. Samson Commission Chambers, 18070 Collins <br />Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach. Rorida, on Thursday, March 19, 2009, at <br />6:00 p,m" to consider final adoption of the following proposed Ordinance; <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIlY COMMISSION OF THE CIlY OF SUNNY <br />ISLES BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 26 OF THE CITY <br />CODE TO PRDVIDE FOR A NEW ARTICLE III TO INCORPORATE <br />GENERAl B.ECTlON PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION <br />OF RECITALS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFUCT; PROVIDING <br />A SEVERABILIlY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE; <br />PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, <br />Inquiries regarding this ~em may be directed to the City Clerk at <br />305.792.1703. A copy of this document is available for public Inspection <br />during normal business hours in City Hall. <br />Jane A, Hines, CMC, City Clerk <br />All peffiOns are invited to appear at this meeting or be represented by an agen~ or to <br />express their views In writing addressed to the City Commission rio the City Cieri<, <br />City of SuMY I~es Beach, 18070 Collins Avenue. Sunny Isles Beach. RorIda. 33160. <br />MY person wishing to address the City Commission at a publiC hearing is asked to <br />~~~~= ~~ ~~~~onbyi:P~~~l~ :~i~=~;J~~ l;;O~~et%,g ~~ <br /> <br />under such circumstances, additional legal Mtice would not be provided. II a peISOn <br />decides to appeal any deoision made by the City Commission with respect to .':::l <br /> <br />::=~~~~~~:r;~~:~~i~~:a~~~~~J~=~~ is <br /> <br />made, YAlich record includes the testimony and eYidence upon YAlich the appeal ~ <br />to be based. This Mtice does not constiMe consent by the City for introduction or <br />admission of otherwise inadmissille or inelevant evidence. nor does it authorize <br />challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law, <br /> <br />In accordance with the Americans with Oisabilities Act, all peISOnS YAlo are disabled <br />and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of <br />that disability should contact the City Manager at 305.947.0606, no later than <br />48 hours prior to the proceedings; if hearing impaired, please telephone the TTY line <br />at 305.792.1590 for assistance, <br /> <br />CENTER FOR ~ ENHANCEMENT' <br /> <br />Using more than 35 different <br />lasers and cosmetic devices, <br />Dr. Nestor customizes individual <br />lrealmenl plans patient by <br />patient for beautiful results, <br />and a more heahhy you. <br /> <br />TIll.bnentllnclude: <br />WNlCAl OERMATCl.OGY & SKIN CANCERS <br />PHOTORf..lJVENAnON AND <br />PHOTODYNAMIC THEAAPES <br />THE FlU SPECTRUM OF AESTHETIC <br />lASER TREATMENTS <br />BOTax <br />PERlANE, J.MDERM, RESTYlJ.NE, <br />EVOI..ENC[ AND OTHER F1LllRS <br />SMARTUPO <br /> <br />305,933,6716 <br /> <br />2925 Aventura Blvd., SUite 205, Aventura, FL 33180 <br /> <br /> <br />CITY OF SUNNY ISLES BEACH <br />.' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING <br />'.'-;"- <br /> <br />~ <br />00 <br />:I: <br />U <br />C< <br />"" <br />'" <br />,.: <br />"" <br />'" <br />z <br />iil <br /> <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the City of <br />Sunny Isles Beach. Florida, will hold a public hearing in the Sunny <br />Isles Beach Government Center, David P. Samson Commission <br />Chambers, 18070 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach, Aorida, on <br />Thursday, March 19,2009, at 6:00 p.m., to consider final adoption of <br />the following proposed Ordinance: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY <br />OF SUNNY ISLES BEACH. FLORIDA. R8.ATlNG TO THE SEA <br />TlJRTLES PROTECTION, TlJRTLE NESTING PROTECTION <br />REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR PURPOSE AND 1NTENl; <br />PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR PROHIBITED <br />ACTIVITIES; PROVIDING FOR LIGHTING STANDARDS ON <br />EXISTING AND NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PUBLIC BEACH <br />AREA IN THE MUR DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR <br />VIOLATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABIUTY; PROVIDING FOR <br />REPEALER; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION: PROVIDING FOR AN <br />EFFECTIVE DATE, <br /> <br />9 <br />ffi <br />:I: <br />i: <br />"" <br />i: <br />"' <br />:%: <br />.... <br /> <br />t:' <br />i <br />." <br />z <br />E <br />8 <br />ti <br />~ <br />:I: <br />.~ <br />'f <br /> <br />Inquiries regarding this item may be directed to the Ctty Clerk at <br />305~792.1703. A copy of this document is available for public inspection <br />during normal business hours in City Hall. <br />Jane A. Hines, CMC, City Clerk <br />All pe~ons .. invited to _ppear _tthls mHIing 0( be represented by ... agent, or 10 oprns <br />the.. VIews in wriling lIddressed to the CIty Con"mission clo the City o.k. City of Sunny <br />Isles Beach. 18070 CoAlns Avenue, Soony Isles Beach, Florida, 33160. My ~ wishing <br />10 lIddre$S the CIly Commission at a public h.-lng Is uked to register with the City Clerk by <br />complellng a public speake~' card prior 10 the lIem being heard. The hearlng all~ mane,. <br />mllf be continued at !his meeting and under such c~taoc_, _ddilionallegaf notice WO\*1 <br />not be ptOYkled. "a person decides 10 appeal any decision made by the City Commission with <br />I'8spKt 10 any matter considered al such meeting, they will need _ ..::on:l of the pn'IC8edll1g$ <br />and, for such purpose. m8'fnnd to _.... that a verbatim I8COrd of the proc:eedngs Is made, <br />which recoro includes the testimony and IWIl:IeoaI upon which the appeal is to be based. <br />This notice does not constitute consent by the City for inlroduction or .oo,1ssioo of otnefwis. <br />inadmiSsible or irrelevant evidence. nor does It authoriZe chflllenges or appeals not otherwise <br />allowed by law. <br />n accordara with the Americans with Dlsabilities Ad, al persons who.... disabMld and who <br />need special ..:commodatlons to plII'lIdpete In lhis meeling becaus_ of thai disability should <br />contact the City MIIfl89&I' at 305-947-0606, no lat...lhan"8 hcxn prior to the proceedings: <br />If hearing impaired, pleaselelephooe the TTY line at 305-792-1590 for assist~. <br /> <br />> <br /><l: <br /> <br />THE AFFORDABLE <br />WALK-IN BATH TUB <br /> <br />Remember what is was like to relax; escape and unwind? <br />Now you can relive the experience in the privacy of <br />your own /lome, safely. indepe11del1t1y and comfortably, <br />tuxor Walk-In Bathtubs areEleganl. Practical and AIfonjable. <br /> <br />Featuring Hydrotherapy to relieve aches, pains and stress related to <br />ailmenlS such as AtIhriUs. FIbroskis, High Blood Prllssure,l.u11b3g0, <br />Poor CirWatiorl, Rheum8lisln, Scialica; Yaticosa Veins and mote. <br />Repl;l<:eS your~ balhtub v.ith Ce.ti~ tmlallaliol1~ <br />avaiable anjwheie in Florida. , <br /> <br />buxorWalk,:,lh Battl,of Florida <br /> <br />Call1.flOO.149-6769 for a No-ObUgatlon In-Home estimate <br />, or a Free Brochure ' , , <br /> <br />www.tux0rb8th,ct)m <br />