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EAC Consult., Inc.-# 4
City Clerk
(07-07-01) Prof. General Engineering
EAC Consult., Inc.-# 4
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Last modified
2/15/2011 4:42:26 PM
Creation date
11/22/2010 11:20:30 AM
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Prof. General Engineering Consultant
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<br />- <br /> <br />ha\'e utilizcd programs on projects to bctter sel\'c the needs of our clicnts relati\'e to design accuracy and <br />consistency, production and deli\'ery speed and budget control. Our staff has de\'elopcd the expertise in <br />\'arious analyses, eyaluation, modeling and drafting design software and tools such as AutoC1\D, Geopak, <br />i\licrostation, Dcscartes, 1\SF\D, Cybernet, Xl'-S\\il\IM, Ad-ICPR and Ci\'il Pak. <br /> <br />1.4 Clients and Past Experience <br />Our clients range from public sector to pri\'ate organizations. i\lost of our clients are public agencies such as <br />i\lunicipalities, County Departments and Di\'isions, State Departments and Fducationallnstitutions. <br /> <br />Our performance with our clients is best C\'idenced in the amount of secondary and extended opportunities <br />to continue offering engineering selyices. This has been a major factor in our growth and den'lopment. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Some of our clients (in a prime or sub consultant role) include: <br />. Cit\, of North l\liami Beach . l\liami Dade Parks and Recreation Department <br />. City of Miami Beach . Miami Dade 1\\'iation Department <br />. Cit\, of North l\liami . Miami Dade County Housing z\gency <br />. Cit\, of Miami . Miami Dade Count\' Public Schools <br />. City of lIallendale Beach . lhoward Count\' Public \Vorks Department <br />. City of lJialeah . Broward Count\' \Vater and \Vasterwater Ser\'ices <br />. Cit\, of Ft. Lauderdale . lhoward Count\' Parks & Recreation Department <br />. Cit\, of Pembroke Pines . Broward Count\. F\\'iation Department <br />. City of Deerfield Beach . lhoward Count\. Public Schools <br />. Village of Palmetto Bay . South Florida \\iater l\lanagement District <br />. Village of Islamorada . Palm Beach County Public \Vorks Department <br />. i\liami Dade \Vater and Sewer Department . Orlando Orange Count\' Expressway I\uthorit\' <br />. Miami Dade Count\' Public \\iorks . Greater Orlando I\ \'iation Authority <br />. Miami Dade Department of En\'ironmental . Florida Department of'l 'ransportation <br /> Resource i\lanagement (DERl\l) <br /> <br />1.5 Experience with Miscellaneous Contracts/Familiarity with Scope <br />EAC's experience and knowledge of i\lunicipalities as well as work order driven contracts allow for a full <br />understanding of the needs and expectations of the City's Board and staff. \'\/e are familiar with the diverse <br />scope of the services requested and have the personnel with the rele\'ant expertise and resources to address <br />these needs. Our a\.ailability and resources are such that we can alwa~'s have a member of the finn a\'ailable <br />to the City at a moments notice. EAC is also very familiar with infrastructure development and upgrades in <br />all civil engineering design tasks and sen'ices <br /> <br />1.6 Financial Information <br />The following person is the only one that has financial interest in the firm: <br />· Enrique Crooks (President of E,\C Consulting, Inc.)- 815 N\V 57 I\ venue, Suite 402; Miami, FL 33126 <br />1\S a pri\'ately held corporation, E1\C does not pro\'ide financial statements that may become public <br />knowledge and accessed by our competitors. I f we were selected, we will provide financial information, to be <br />held in the strictest confidence, which would demonstrate our sound financial standing. In lieu of certified <br />financial statements, submitted below is unaudited financial information for the last three rears. <br /> <br /> 2005 2006 <br />Assets $3,958,164 $5,469,276 <br />Liabilities $1,320,846 $2,216,362 <br />Stockholders Equity /Retained Earnings $2,637,318 $3,252,914 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />-1 <br />
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