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EAC Consult., Inc.-# 4
City Clerk
(07-07-01) Prof. General Engineering
EAC Consult., Inc.-# 4
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Last modified
2/15/2011 4:42:26 PM
Creation date
11/22/2010 11:20:30 AM
Project Name
Prof. General Engineering Consultant
Bid No. (xx-xx-xx)
Project Type (Bid, RFP, RFQ)
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<br />e <br /> <br />SECTION 2- KEY PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS/WORKLOAD/TEAM ORGANIZATION <br /> <br />Key to the success of the City's i\lission is its ability to implement infrastructure imprm'('mel1tS which <br />imprm'(' the general liYabilit\' of the community. I ':r\C will be an extensIon of the City staff and will "tailor <br />fit" our sen'ices to the City's needs. EAC is committed to taking ownCl"ship of this project in order to <br />prO\'ide a high (luality product and sen'ice to the City within the allotted schedule. <br /> <br />":.\C also has the ;l\'ailable resources to fully exceed the len'l of performance expected on this contract and <br />carry its current and projected workload. \Ve will be committed to excellence, to fully satisfying the needs of <br />the City, and to mecring all re(]uirnl1ents of the project/continuing contracts, <br /> <br />2.1 Project Manager <br /> <br /> <br />Our designated project manager for this project Michael Adeifc, r.E. has more <br />than fourteen (14) years of combined engineering and construction experience. i\lr. <br />1\deife will O\'ersee EAC's selyices on the project. i\lr.. \deife has successfully held <br />positions that range from design engineer to project manager to department <br />manager, and as such is familiar with every aspect of consulting engineering. In his <br />role as project manager/principal engineer, 1\[1'. f\deife will coordinate and <br />communicate directly wit h t he City on issues relating to project assignments/tasks, <br />design procedures and implementation as well as general project coordination. lie <br />will also work diligently with task engineers to ensure that the maximum len' I of <br />sen'ice is prm'ided to the City. <br /> <br />I n addition, i\1r. f\deife is knowledgeable of jurisdictional IHluirements and standards for general ci\.il <br />engineering design, land development and municipal infrastructure development. lie has worked directly with <br />se\Tral local municipal and public agency clients in developing comprehensi\'e plans, conceptual/final <br />engineering designs and technical specifications for small, medium and large infrastructure improvements <br />projects. Mr. I\deife is very familiar with established contractual procedures on miscellaneous sen,ices <br />contracts and has worked seamlessly and successfully on several prior undertakings, 1\1r. l\deife's proven <br />skills as a project manager, his din'rse engineering experience, and his commitment to deli\'ery of a qualit\', on <br />schedule and budge! controlled project makes him well suited for the management of this project. 1\1r. l\deife <br />will dedicate the highest len'l of selTice to ensure the success of this project(s). 1\[r. l\deife is an excellent <br />coml11lll1icator and works diligently to keep his clients abreast of denJopments of projects assigned under his <br />management. lie will be the primary contact for the Cit\,. [(is contact information is as follm\'S: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />i\lichaell\deife, P,I ':. <br />Project Manager <br />E1\ c: Consulting, 1 nc. <br />815 NW 57i111\venue, Suite 402 <br />Miami, FI, 3312() <br />Direct Dial: 305-265-5471; i\lobile: 305-4()<)-492() <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />2.2 Proposed Personnel Qualifications <br />Below is a list of El\C'S team key personnel: <br />.:. Enrique "Rick" Crooks, P.E.- Prind/Jal ill C/!",w.. (! S'y" //!Jaila/Jili/)'). 1\[r. Crooks has m'('r 22 years of <br />engineering experience. 1\1r. Crooks has successfully held positions that range from design engineer to <br />project manager, and as such is familiar with every aspect of consulting engineering. I lis expertise is <br />extensive in the areas of civil, roadway and structural engineering sen'ices for similar projects, He has <br />provided drainage plans, maintenance of traffic plans, and utility plans. Mr. Crooks is experienced in all <br />aspects of project coordination required to make projects a success. These include not onl!' the project <br />team and client coordination, but also the coordination IT(luired for permitting agencies and utility <br />companies. Additionally, Mr. Crooks has participated (at various levels) in the construction supelyision <br />IT(]uired for the successful implementation of projects. <br /> <br />H <br />
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