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there is prohibition on communication with the City's professional staff. This ordinance <br />does not apply to oral communications at pre -bid conferences, oral presentations before <br />evaluation committees contract discussions made to City Commission during any duly <br />noticed public meeting, contract negotiations with the staff following the award of an <br />RFP, RFQ, RFI, or bid by any City Commission, or communication in writing at any <br />time with any City employee, official, or member of the City Commission unless <br />specifically prohibited. A copy of all written communications must be filed with the City <br />Clerk. Violation of these provisions by any particular bidder or proposer shall not be <br />considered for any RFP, RFQ, RFI, or bid for a contract for the provision of goods or <br />services for a period of one year. <br />Any questions or clarifications concerning this Request for Proposals /Invitation to <br />Bid shall be submitted in writing by mail or facsimile to Christopher J. Russo, <br />City Manager, 17070 Collins Avenue, Suite 250, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br />33160. Fax (305) 949 -3113. The bid title /number shall be referenced on all <br />correspondence. All questions must be received no later than fifteen (15) calendar <br />days prior to the scheduled bid opening date. All responses to <br />questions /clarifications will be sent to all prospective bidders in the form of an <br />addendum. NO QUESTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED VERBALLY OR AFTER <br />THE DEADLINE. <br />The City of Sunny Isles Beach reserves the right to accept any proposal or bid deemed to <br />be in the best interest of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, or waive any informality in any <br />proposal or bid. The City of Sunny Isles beach may reject any and all proposals or bids. <br />16. Public Entity Crimes. <br />Section 287.133, Florida Statues, provides that a person or affiliate, as defined in that <br />Section, who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following the conviction for a <br />public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to <br />a public entity may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for any contract for <br />construction or repair of a public building or a public work, may not submit bids on <br />leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded to perform work as a <br />contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, <br />and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold of the <br />amount provided in Section 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO ($25,000) for a period of 36 <br />months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Any such person or <br />affiliate convicted of a public entity crime shall provide written notice of such <br />conviction. <br />-9— <br />Health Insurance Proposal 2001 <br />