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9.4 In connection with the CITY'S responsibility for Change Orders, see Articles 10, 11, and 12 <br />9.5 In connection with the CITY'S responsibilities in respect of Application of Payment, etc., see Article 14, <br />Resident Proiect Representative: <br />9.6 The CITY will provide construction observation sufficient to confirm to CITY and all applicable regulatory agencies <br />that construction is in compliance with the Construction Drawings and the Contract Specifications. <br />Decisions on Disagreements: <br />9.7 The CITY will be the initial interpreter of the Construction Drawings. <br />Limitations on Consultant's Responsibilities. <br />9.8 The CITY will not be responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or the <br />safety precautions and programs incident thereto. <br />9.9 The CITY will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the CONTRACTOR, or any Subcontractors, or any <br />of their or their agents or employees, or any other person performing any of the Work. <br />ARTICLE 10 - CHANGES W THE WORK <br />10.1 Without invalidating the Agreement, the CITY may, at anytime or from time to time, order additions, deletions <br />or revisions in the Work; these shall be authorized by Change Orders. Upon receipt of a Change Order, the <br />CONTRACTOR will proceed with the Work involved. All such Work shall be executed under the applicable conditions <br />of the Contract Documents. If any Change Order causes an increase or decrease in the Contract Price or an extension or <br />shortening of the Contract Time, an equitable adjustment will be made as provided in Article 11 or Article 12. A Change <br />Order signed by the CONTRACTOR indicates their agreement therewith. <br />10.2 The CITY may authorize minor changes or alterations in the Work not involving extra cost and not inconsistent <br />with the overall intent of the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order. If the CONTRACTOR <br />believes that any minor change or alteration authorized by the CITY entitles them to an increase in the Contract Price or <br />extension of Contract Time, they may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. <br />10.3 Additional Work performed by the CONTRACTOR without authorization of a Change Order will not entitle them <br />to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, except in the case of an emergency as provided <br />in paragraph 6.22 and except as provided in paragraph 10.2. <br />10.4 The CITY will execute appropriate Change Orders prepared by the CITY covering changes in the Work, to be <br />performed as provided in paragraph 4.4, and Work performed in an emergency as provided in paragraph 6.22 and any <br />other claim of the CONTRACTOR for a change in the Contract Time or the Contract Price which is approved by the <br />CITY. <br />10.5 It is the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to notify his Surety of any changes affecting the general scope of the <br />Work or change in the Contract Price or Contract Time and the amount of the applicable bonds shall be adjusted <br />accordingly. The CONTRACTOR will furnish proof of such an adjustment to the CITY. <br />ARTICLE 11 - CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE <br />11.1 The Contract Price constitutes the total compensation payable to the CONTRACTOR for performing the Work. <br />All duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by the CONTRACTOR shall be at their expense <br />00710-17 <br />