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approved extension of time granted to CONTRACTOR whichever date is later. Such costs shall be <br />deducted from the monies due CONTRACTOR for performance of Work under this Contract by means <br />of a unilateral Change Order issued by the CITY. <br />12.4 The Contract time may only be changed by a Change Order. Any claim for an extension in the CONTRACT <br />TIME shall be based on written notice delivered to the CITY within five (5) days of the occurrence of the event giving <br />rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim including supporting data. <br />All claims for adjustment in the Contract Time shall be evaluated and recommended by the CITY, with final approval by <br />the CITY'S representative. Any change in the Contract Time resulting from any such claim shall be incorporated in a <br />Change Order. <br />12.5 All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Agreement. <br />12.6 No claim for delay shall be allowed because of failure to furnish Drawings until fourteen (14) days after demand <br />to the CITY for such Drawings and not then unless such claim be reasonable. <br />12.7 Extensions to the Contract Time for delays caused by the effects of inclement weather shall be submitted as a <br />request for a change in the Contract Time pursuant to Section 12.4. These time extensions are justified only when rains <br />or other inclement weather conditions or related adverse soil conditions prevent CONTRACTOR from productively <br />performing controlling items of Work identified on the accepted schedule or updates resulting in: <br />a) CONTRACTOR being unable to work at least fifty percent (50 %) of the normal workday on controlling <br />items of Work identified on the accepted schedule or updates due to adverse weather conditions; or <br />b) CONTRACTOR must make major repairs to the Work damaged by weather. Providing the damage was <br />not attributable to a failure to perform or neglect by CONTRACTOR, and providing that CONTRACTOR was <br />unable to work at least fifty percent (50 %)of the normal workday on controlling items of Work identified on the <br />accepted schedule or updates. <br />12.8 No Damages for Delay: No claim for damages or any claim, other than for an extension of time as provided for <br />in Section 12.4 shall be made or asserted against CITY by reason of any delays. CONTRACTOR shall not be <br />entitled to an increase in the Contract Price or payment or compensation of any kind from CITY for direct, <br />indirect, consequential, impact or other costs, expenses or damages, including but not limited to, costs of <br />acceleration or inefficiency, overhead or lost profits, arising because of delay, disruption, interference or <br />hindrance from any cause whatsoever, whether such delay, disruption, interference or hindrance be reasonable <br />or unreasonable, foreseeable or unforeseeable, or avoidable or unavoidable. CONTRACTOR shall be entitled <br />only to extensions of the Contract Time as the sole and exclusive remedy for such resulting delay. <br />ARTICLE 13 - GUARANTEE <br />13.1 The CONTRACTOR shall guarantee and unconditionally warranty through either the manufacturer or the <br />CONTRACTOR directly, all materials and equipment furnished, arid Work performed for a period of one (1) from the <br />date of Final Acceptance as indicated in the CITY'S Letter OF Recommendation Of Acceptance. The CITY will give <br />notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. In the event that the CONTRACTOR should fail to promptly <br />correct such defective or non - conforming Work, the CITY may cause the defective Work to be removed or corrected <br />at the CONTRACTOR'S expense, and the CITY may charge the CONTRACTOR the cost thereby incurred. The <br />Performance Bond shall remain in full force and effect through the guarantee period. <br />132 The specific warranty periods listed in the Contract Documents, if different from the period of time listed in <br />Section 13.1 shall be applicable. <br />00710-21 <br />