PC, WE aderal Insurancs Company Aztn.. Surety CDeparment
<br />C h U t 0 �.c Viailam Insurancs Company 15 MGuntsin View goad
<br />zUrety -, pp�� R =Ctflc indemnity Company warren. I1„ Q.n EG EY
<br />Kna,v All by aeez °:..sears, :rN, r= C-c ?.=L INSURANCS CCMPANY, =_n Irma, =Dc a;, tai, V• C -IL =NT INSUR�;NCZ COMPANY, a New YorK
<br />-= rt:= r2tton, ar'a TAC:F= . ;NOS .iN1 , o m.PAPN 1, a �Nlisczmsin czrccradon, co :s&, hersvi =rtsTiuEe _na p;cira _T` —_,�
<br />5� l . =� °boa a-!e : =c-r 'N . L�De. o= 4ti . ?_=_1=1 3_ == = -ot =ia------------------------
<br />each as ;heir true and lawful A" mey -in -, act to execute under Such designation in their name_ and to a;.ix :hair ccrCJriB se_is to and deiiver for and
<br />on their'tenatr as surety thereon or otherwise. bonas (other than hail bands) and undertaking_ given or executed in the c curse ar t= 'business (but not
<br />to include any Instruments amending or altering the same, nor cansznts to the moaificadon or .iteration of any insrument revered to in said bands or
<br />obligations).
<br />in INRne -s `Thereof, said F__LR -AL INSURANC-a COMPANY, VIGILAIT INSLiRANC COMPANY, _rid P~C;F;C INMANrli `f COMPANY have
<br />eaC 1 BXs--LLE 4 and attestad these presents and affixed their =rporate seats on this ! = th day of
<br />=! , Q
<br />,
<br />Karma =1i C. vVendet, Ae,sisiant Secrarary
<br />ss.
<br />Chum ai Somerset
<br />L4
<br />c arardo G, Mauna., `11ca P resident
<br />Cn this _ h _ do'f of m r o'-9 =eiore me, a Noiary Public of New Jersc+/, personally Dame Kenneth C. Mendel,
<br />tg me tppwn to 'e tssislzn% Seeretary of FEMERAIL !NSURANCc C=MPANY, VIGILANT INSURANC-4 COMPANY, and PACIFIC !NCEliNMY =%LRANy, the
<br />pmcanies vvitie t ecuiea the foregoing cower of Attorney, and the said Kenneth C. Wendel being by. me duty -worn- did depcsa and s-y that he 's ,;ssi=M
<br />Sec.stary of F=CE AL !NSURANCc CC MP,ANY, `/IGfL>NT IN.SURANCS =MPANY, and °AC.FiC YCE °ANITY CCMPANY and ,:maws the arootaie saais themcf,
<br />that the sesis a�.sed lo the foregoing Pov er of Attorrey are ouch corpmaie assts and " .mr =_ thereto txad by suittariiY �f the Ey -Laws ai :aid �mcanies; and that he
<br />signed said Power of Attomey as Asalaant °.ecratary of said Campanies by like suiharriy; sna that he is acausinted Mth Gerardo G. ;Vlaunz, and (mows him to be
<br />yle-. Prestdant d said C'ampsnias; and that the signature of Gerardo u. Ylauriz sucsc 'bed is mid sower of ..ornat s in lha ganurne nardw,ri-'rg or Genoa G.
<br />Ntauriz, and was thereto subscribed by suthehiy of said Hy -3ws andln deeanert's zMetr1rx.
<br />i rE tc�.1 E. CSC;- ;GVYSc IG'
<br />.,��••'+.,'; Nasty P ibilc, S V e rrr New Jarsey �Si
<br />0
<br />Wt l/J1
<br />No. 001= 10"
<br />fit _ r y !J� L I j' / l� Notary Public
<br />Camri�li E.girss Juty �.'', '�d1
<br />powe 3 of attorney for and on behalf of the Company may and shall be executed in the name and an behalf of the Company, etther by the
<br />Cairman or the President or a `rtca President or an Assistant gigs President, Jointly with the Secratary or an Assistant Secretary, under their
<br />re=cer ives designations. -,,Is signature of such ofi3cars may he enoraved, printed or lithographed. -File signature of SI-01 of the iotlawing
<br />officars: Ci,airmm, President, any Vice Pre=sident, any Assistant Vice President, any 5 reiary, any Assistant.Sacrotary and 'u`le sal of the
<br />Company may mes affixed by lac=imile to any mower of attgmey or is any certificata relating thereto appointing Assism.nt Secretaries or
<br />Attomeys --in -;=act ter purpt:zas anN tar exL-_%j:ing and aiteering bends and undertakings and other writings ooAgaory in the nature thereof, and
<br />any such power of -domey or cartiilc ate bearing such fzcsimile signature or fa=imile seat shail be `lid and binding upon the Comparrf and
<br />s , , , ;,r; a v g i shat( b_ valid and binding upon the Company with
<br />any such pave o exec_ -_ and cr r lfled b; such fa signature nature and facsimile sea
<br />respect to any bond or undertaidng to which it is attached."
<br />I, IKanne *.h C. `tlendei, Asasnt Sec,atzry of F =7E =AL INSURANCE COMPANY, ViGiL=.NT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INCEMNIiY
<br />COf:IPANY (ttie'Ccmpaniss do neraoy r.,-. ^.rfy ^t=
<br />r.') the foregoing extract of the a "y -taws of fine Campanies is true and carter .
<br />in then C-.- mlosmes are duly i and auiftareed to tram surev '=raw:= in all 50 of the United StEas of ,4tli and 11j"a rstrict of
<br />C .turritia and are auancrizea by The U. 5. 7 rea4try Ce= arortent; 1urmer, `-r of and Malian are Ib...ersad In Puerto Rko and dw U. E. `virgin
<br />i5 ei rig, e, v i °rL�ai •i`S i �F.0 In Arr.m •�'n .`^armn, Guam, and ac-&, o Prmgnrm of Cari'a e'KCe-, Prima Eavrerd Isdryd; ar'A
<br />(1111 the foregoing Power of Attorney is true, correct and in full fort-.` and effect.
<br />Given under my hand and sesis of said Campanies at Warren, lJ this 31 S Tday of MAY 2005
<br />ti�
<br />oz i}igar
<br />A,,
<br />r7tAri°
<br />v
<br />-
<br />s<enneth C. Wendel, Assistant Secretary
<br />IN 71--;,E E ` E_: T YLCU `�1VISH 7C 1NL-M1 r US CE A CL_11M. VERIP
<br />-,-HE =,U T HEN1 T 1C4 i Y" CF T HIS O:CNC t 1,
<br />- Aid`' F SE -- - REEZ ; S? a-Z �.BC`•11 =. OR S"
<br />NOTIF'ft_.;S t,= uT, ;c= ��iAil15: =, !=.s C�;.�it! i..i., i US :�T - .GCrt�.... _,�. �.�
<br />7asilephone ( 908) 90C -3 5dz Fax (C-08) M2 -365a e-mail: suraty�chubia.com
<br />=err,
<br />