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the Services. If the firm is proposing a fixed annual fee for services then the firm shall <br />provide the basis and what Services will be included in the fixed fee. <br />• Two (2) years of the most recent annual financial statement since the last available <br />financial statement. <br />• List of clients and references including the names, titles, addresses and phone numbers <br />of key contacts for five (5) clients that are existing customers of the proposer's firm <br />and the identification of any customer /clients that have terminated services in the past <br />two years. <br />Incomplete information <br />All information requested shall be submitted. Failure to submit all of the information <br />requested may result in disqualification, a request for prompt submission of missing <br />information or materials or lowered evaluation of the proposal. The City may reject <br />proposals that are substantially incomplete or lack essential information. <br />Ownership of Material <br />All data, material and documentation originated and prepared for the City in response to this <br />RFP shall exclusively belong to the City. <br />Withdrawn Proposals <br />A proposer may withdraw its proposal at any time prior to the due date specified for the <br />Closing Date for the acceptance of the proposals. <br />Modification of Proposal <br />No proposal shall be modified after the Closing Date, except at the request of the City or <br />with the City's written consent. <br />Rejection of All Bids <br />The City reserves the right, for any or no reason and in its sole and absolute discretion, to: (1) <br />amend, in whole or in part, withdraw or cancel this RFP and (2) accept or reject any and all <br />proposals prior to the execution of the Contract with the Successful Proposer(s), for any <br />reason and with no penalty to the City. <br />Selection of Successful Proposer(s) <br />Notwithstanding any other provision of this RFP, the City reserves the right to award this <br />contract to the Sucessful Proposer(s) that best meets the requirements of this RFP, and not <br />necessarily to the lowest bidder. <br />Once a Successful Proposer(s) has been selected, the City Manager will issue a Notice of <br />Recommendation of Award to the City Commission. The award recommendation will be <br />considered by the City Commission. The City Commission may award the contract in <br />whole to one Successful Proposer or in part to several Successful Proposers. Neither the City <br />Manager's recommendation of award or the award by the City Commission shall bind the <br />