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acquired before the condominium can be terminated, and that is the objective of the owner to <br />be, and so it is going to take a bit more time. <br />Shari Blank moved and Dione Del Monico seconded a motion to wait on the camels until <br />we have ownership clarification. The motion was approved by a voice vote of 6-0-1 <br />[Maynard Mast absent] in favor. <br />6. Report/Discussion on the "Sunny Isles Beach History Books" by David Gartner. <br />Action: Photographer David Gartner said the History Books are in pretty good shape, they <br />are from the City's incorporation in 1997 and he is bringing them up to date. The City has a <br />television channel, and he was thinking that possibly we could show the History Books on <br />the channel. It may be very interesting for people to see what has happened since the City's <br />beginning. Dione Del Monico asked what that would entail to transmit it onto digital? <br />David said we could video tape them or take pictures by each year. Dione Del Monico asked <br />if there would be costs that we would have to approve, and he said no he doesn't think there <br />will be a cost, it would just be part of his j ob. Liaison Hasbun said the Board can direct us to <br />bring this idea to the City Manager for approval, and it could be a video to be placed on <br />CATV. David said he is just saying that there are a lot of things in the History Books that <br />people would enjoy rather than they sit on a shelf and no one seeing them. The Board <br />thought it was a good idea. City Attorney Ottinot said the Board can make a motion and <br />probably have David come back to show us what he can do with the Books. Dione asked <br />David if he would just do across the board everything or would you edit and tape it? David <br />said he wasn't ready for this tonight because it was just an idea to bring to the Board. Maybe <br />if we had a slide show, this way we can tape the shots and put it on. Dione said she thinks it <br />is an interesting idea, and it needs to be refined and lot of details pinned down but she thinks <br />it is a fine idea to start with. <br />David Gartner also showed an example of reproducing pictures on a metal board which may <br />work for the Pier. Chairperson Steiger said we had a motion at the last meeting to put a sign <br />on the Pier, and that is a good idea. David said you will want to put it under some sort of <br />protection because these are metal. What he is saying is that it may be good to use metal in <br />the future on anything that you may be thinking about. <br />Consultant Uguccioni said she had fun going through the scrap books and they are amazing, <br />and the way you became your own City is fascinating. There are a lot of newspaper articles <br />in addition to photographs in the books. Dione Del Monico said rather than trying to post a <br />whole article, to choose excerpts that are poignant and concise and using that to augment the <br />photos because she thinks visually people want to see photos more than to read on the <br />television. The Board asked David to bring one of the History Books to the next meeting. <br />Shari Blank moved and Dione Del Monico seconded a motion for David Gartner to <br />explore the idea of putting the City's History Books on the television channel. The <br />motion was approved by a voice vote of 6-0-1 [Maynard Mast absent] in favor. <br />Summary Minutes: 2016-0316 HPB Mtg Page 4 of 5 <br />